Magistrates Judicial officers there are 654 Magistrates in NC - 2 yr term. Have original jurisdiction in certain misdemeanor cases usually when there is an admission of guilt; Can issue warrants, set bail, handle worthless checks claims, small claims $4000 and less, handle some juvenile misdemeanors.
NC District Court There is at least one district court located in each of the 100 counties. 164 judges preside over courts. 4 yr. term Original jurisdiction in all misdemeanor cases, juvenile cases, probable cause hearings, civil cases up to $10,000. No jury
NC Superior Court 70 judges elected for 8 yr. term 46 districts;judges rotate every 6 mos. in their division. Original jurisdiction-felony criminal cases, civil cases over $10,000. Takes appeals from District Court Trial by 12 member jury- jury often waived in civil cases.
NC Court of Appeals 12 Judges that are elected for 8 yr. term Sit in panels of 3 to hear and decide cases Meet in Raleigh Considers and decides on cases appealed from District and Superior Courts.
THE NC SUPREME COURT 7 justices (1 Chief and 6 Associates) Elected for 8 yr. term Decides questions of law presented in civil and criminal cases appealed from lower courts. No witnesses or juries Death Penalty Appeals automatically heard Appeals from the NC Supreme Court go to the US Supreme Court