From: The Photosensitivity of Rhodopsin Bleaching and Light-Induced Increases of Fundus Reflectance in Mice Measured In Vivo With Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2016;57(8):3650-3664. doi:10.1167/iovs.16-19393 Figure Legend: Multimodal SLO/OCT imaging system and key spectral quantities employed in the experiments. (A) Picture of the scanning apparatus, with an anesthetized mouse emplaced. (B) Optical schematic of the imaging system (not to scale). Abbreviations: BS, beam splitter; DM, dichroic mirror; FC, fiber optic coupler; M, silver mirror; PMT, photomultiplier. (C) Normalized absorption spectrum of mouse rhodopsin (λmax = 498 nm) generated with the Lamb-Govardovskii template for pigment extinction spectra assuming the axial optical density at the λmax to be ODmax = 0.35 (right-hand side of Equation 14). (D) Spectral power density function of the broadband source (Fianium supercontinuum laser) at the plane of the pupil as reflected by a Fluorilon 99W disc: The black curve presents the spectrum uncorrected for the transmission losses between the Fluorilon disc and the spectrometer; the blue curve presents the spectrum corrected for the losses (Methods). In both cases the integral of the spectral power density function was equated with the power of the beam at the pupil measured with a Thorlabs radiometer with wavelength set to 580 nm (Supplementary Material II). The red curve shows the spectrum weighted by the rhodopsin absorption spectrum given in (C) (the spectral density function was converted to photon units before weighting with the template spectrum, and reconverted back to radiometric units). Date of download: 12/16/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.