Themes & Symbols in Hamlet The Academic Research Paper
Journal – 2 or 3 sentences each. Use an example. What is a theme? What is a symbol?
Definitions Theme: the main idea or underlying meaning of a literary work. The theme may be stated directly or indirectly. Another way to think about theme is to consider how similar it is with thesis. Symbol: a symbol signifies an idea or a quality when it is used in literature to mean something else besides its literal definition. A dove or an olive branch symbolizes peace The color white symbolizes purity The color black symbolizes mourning, sadness, or death
Themes, Symbols, and Questions in Hamlet Honor & Revenge Appearance & Reality Madness & Sanity Disease & Decay Loyalty Mortality Women & Misogyny Free Will & Destiny Spying Symbols Yorick’s skull Ophelia’s flowers Poison War Questions Gertrude – co-conspirator? Ophelia – pregnant? Hamlet – in love? Fortinbras – Hamlet’s opposite?
Assignment Choices Write an essay that explains the significance of the theme or symbol in Hamlet, showing how Shakespeare used the device to move the play along or make it more interesting. Write an essay that compares or contrasts any two themes or symbols in Hamlet. Write an essay in which you take on one of the questions. Use textual evidence to prove your case. Guidelines 400 words, typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font, 12-point type, no bolding. Print it.
How To Cite Stuff Use Times New Roman 12 point for the font and size. Do not bold anything. Do not use abbreviations or symbols (etc., or &) To cite the play: “To be or not to be, that is the question” (III.ii 35-42). This is read as Act 3, scene 2, lines 35 through 44 To cite an article or post on the web: John Smith, “To Be or Not To Be: Madness in Shakespeare’s Hamlet.” Shakespeare Online
Sample Topic Sentence By playing the themes of madness and sanity against each other, Shakespeare makes the reader question whether “something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” if the madness is confined only to Hamlet, or if the reader himself is the only one that is insane. Remember, your topic sentence should answer the question, “So what?” That is, why should the reader care about and want to read your paper?