E12: Hamlet In-class Essay (Act III) Preview 2015
In-class Writing You will have the entire period (approximately 50 minutes) to read the prompt, plan, and write You should write a minimum of one and a half sides of paper (depending on the size of your writing) Your essay should be a minimum of four paragraphs The thesis statement is the most important aspect of your paper You may write in first or third person (“I” is fine for this paper) You may write in pen or pencil (but no red ink) You need to demonstrate an understanding of the material; even though you won’t be able to use your textbook, you should include examples from Hamlet
The Rubric Grading (30 points) Adherence to the Prompt/Demonstration of Understanding Organization (introduction, body, conclusion) Clarity/Grammar “Proficiency” accounts for 75% of your grade
Demonstration of Understanding _____ (10): Adherence to the Prompt Clearly adheres to the writing prompt throughout the paper and demonstrates an insightful understanding of the subject Adequately addresses the prompt and demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of the subject Fails to address the prompt and/or demonstrate at least a satisfactory understanding of the subject
Organization _____ (10): Organization Well-organized with a clear and insightful thesis statement, introductory paragraph, body paragraph(s) with strong topic sentences, and a conclusion Meets requirements with a functional thesis, introductory paragraph, body paragraph(s), and a conclusion Fails to meet minimum standards for organization
Clarity/Grammar _____ (10): Clarity/Grammar Ideas and language are clear and the paper is at least of first draft quality Errors in grammar and clarity are evident, but they do not interfere with overall meaning Errors are pervasive and make the paper difficult to read
Sample Prompt Hamlet is a complex, multi-faceted character. Some of his traits are likeable, while others are not. In a well-organized essay, take a position on whether or not Hamlet is an admirable character. Support your position with references to the play.
Sample Thesis Thesis: In my opinion, Hamlet is not an admirable character because he is often overwhelmed by his conflicting emotions and he treats others badly on his slow and twisted path toward revenge. TS #1: It is difficult to admire someone who is a slave to emotion. TS #2: Although Hamlet has been given a clear goal, he procrastinates and harms others while supposedly seeking revenge.