Membership and Engagement Activity Report Summer 2017
Staff Engagement The Membership Team attended a meeting with the Health and Wellbeing College to start the process for co-producing a programme with Governors, service users and carers, volunteers and peer trainers from the college. The programme will hopefully support students to learn the necessary skills required to become a Governor. The team may subsequently deliver sessions for the college. Additional meetings to take place once the college is settled in Trust HQ. Regular attendance at Corporate Welcomes to engage with staff at the earliest opportunity. Recruited several new members from the bank staff and raised the profile of the Council of Governors including how Governors can support services. Attendance at more staff meetings to raise the profile of the membership department, engage with staff and promote the role of staff governor. Requests to attend staff team away days to deliver presentations in order to promote membership and the role of the governor. Attendance at Oldham Staff Sessions to engage with staff and raise the profile of membership/Council of Governors.
Public Engagement Bury Awareness and Information Event: Opportunity to engage with patients and members of the public. Increased links with adults with learning disabilities who may wish to become Governors in future. BIG Local Brinnington Health and Wellbeing Event: Health and Wellbeing Event for members in the Stockport constituency. CVSR ‘Voices for All’ (formerly RBUF) Open Forum: Opportunity to engage with members in the Rochdale area. Links made with other 3rd sector organisations. The event was well attended. 1 tweet 2 retweets 4 likes Governor Welcome Meetings: Opportunity to welcome newly recruited Governors and begin the induction process. Also a good opportunity to introduce existing Governors and share knowledge. Health and Wellbeing College Launch: Opportunity to meet and engage with members of the public. Promoted the Heath and Wellbeing College and engaged with both new and existing Governors. Trafford Jobs Open Evening: Opportunity to promote Pennine Care, support other departments and recruit new members. Corporate Welcomes: Opportunity to promote the membership scheme and recruit members from the bank staff. Survey Monkey: sent out to Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale members with the latest bulletin. THRIVE Trafford VCSE Strategic Forum: Opportunity to network and promote the Governor role. Consultations and 1-1 meetings with Trafford members to generate interest in Governor role. Pennine Post Issue 33
Recruitment Information 3 retweets, 4 likes 2 retweets, 4 likes
Targeted Recruitment The Membership Team have attended specific events, to target recruitment in the areas in which membership is currently under represented i.e. working age males. Events attended in this quarter produced an increase in interest in the Governor role and helped make links with other service providers. unspecified 54 26 5
Meetings Attended Local Constituency Meetings – Stockport, HMR, Bury, Tameside and Glossop and Oldham. Opportunity to engage with local constituents, public Governors and Service Leads. Receive updates regarding local plans. Promote other services and initiatives across the Trust. Oldham Staff Sessions Opportunity to engage with staff members in the Oldham constituency. Promote the staff Governor role and encourage engagement. Increase the visibility of Corporate Services. Pre-employment steering group Opportunity to engage with staff members. Receive updates regarding future plans. Increase awareness of initiatives to share at relevant events. Learning Disability Team Meetings Opportunity to explain and promote the staff governor role. Promote the membership scheme. Build relationships with staff groups and gain contacts with community service providers. Patient Experience Steering Group To share the input of Governors To receive information about the initiatives to increase knowledge about patient experience. Executive Support Team Meeting Promote the role of the membership team. Share ideas on the goal of the wider executive support team. Health and Wellbeing Group To engage with the Health and Wellbeing Champions across the boroughs. Involvement and Engagement To encourage closer working relationships between departments. To consider how we can support each others team goals and ultimately the Trust strategic goals. Health and Wellbeing College To draft the programme regarding involvement with the Trust. Procurement meetings regarding the Independent Returning Officer for Governor elections.
Lisa and Donna have completed all mandatory training. Hayley has completed the launch module of the Edward Jenner Programme re leadership in the NHS. Reports Data collection for Executive Director reporting Highlight reports for each constituency Trust wide Membership Dashboards Local Constituency Membership Dashboards Membership and Engagement Activity Report To attend WASH meetings with O, L & D to identify training/events and consider if attendance by the membership team would be appropriate. To give presentations at Professional Nurses Forums to engage with staff and promote the membership scheme/staff governor role. To deliver a programme to students at the Health and Wellbeing College regarding getting more involved with Pennine Care. To attend Divisional Business Unit meetings and Division Integrated Governance Group (DIGG)) meetings. To host the Big Conversation event in Stockport on World Mental Health Day. To hold taster sessions for the members in Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale. To build relationships with the new Managing Directors. To continue to network in Trafford to generate interest in the Governor role. Future Plans