Español II – Unidad I Learning about likes and dislikes
When you want to talk about what you like to do, use the verb gustar When you want to talk about what you like to do, use the verb gustar. The conjugation of gustar always takes an indirect object pronoun.
In its singular form: Me gusta Nos gusta Te gusta Os gusta Le gusta Les gusta
Gusta is always followed by an infinitive form of the verb or by a single noun. Me gusta comer (infinitive) Me gusta la langosta (single noun)
In its plural form: Me gustan Nos gustan Te gustan Os gustan Le gustan Les gustan
Gustan is followed by a plural noun Gustan is followed by a plural noun. Me gustan las gambas (plural noun) Other verbs like gustar are: aburrir - to bore, fascinar - to be fascinating by, bastar - to be sufficient, importar - to be important to, interesar - to be interesting to, molestar - to be a bother, disgustar - to hate something, parecer - to appear to be, encantar to "love" something, quedar - to be left over/remain, faltar - to be lacking something.