My Magazine Proposal “Brainwashed”
Genre/Sub-genre For my magazine i propose to focus on an alternative sub genre of music that revolves around pop punk, this is because i am involved fully with this genre and know many people who are, therefore making taking photos for my cover etc, an easy task. Also it is a relatively underground genre which i think should be shown off more to the public and get more attention in the mainstream. The happy theme that is linked with pop punk means that i can have fun with my magazine cover and produce a fun to look at piece of work.
Audience The target audience of my magazine will be mainly people under 25, depending on which band i decide to use as my cover image my target gender will be mainly female as some bands such as ‘all time low’ are listened to mainly by girls , because of their image. However males will be interested because of their music, so i shall probably use a band like this to maximise audience interest. The main readers of my magazine will probably be students, therefore in the E demographic with the potential be in a higher group in later years.
Front Cover Ideas For my front cover i will have a medium close up shot of a member of a pop punk band, with the bands name in large font in front of him at an angle just to add a bit more interest to the cover , at the bottom of the page i will have a callout about a interview with someone else, which will lead on to my double page spread.
U.S.P. The unique selling point for my magazine, will be that i will sell merchandise related to the stories in my magazine, for example if my main article was about paramore, i would have tshirts, cd’s etc. for sale, this would also mean that bands would want to be in my magazine as there merchandise would be advertised and sold therefore making them money for featuring in my magazine.
Target Reader My target reader is a student at college who loves music such as All Time Low, New Found Glory and four year strong, both as a hobby or just something to listen to, someone who loves going to gigs and enjoys the stereotypical student life. They will go to college/sixth form everyday then go home and spend time listening to music, partying and socialising. Secondary audience for my magazine is people that don't especially love the music , but will listen to the genre i am writing about once in a while, i.e people who like all types of music such as heavier bands such as A Day To Remember or more mainstream styles of pop punk bands such as You Me At Six and listen to different things depending on their mood.
Tagline The tagline for my magazine is “ Taking over the mind with music “ I thought this would be an appropriate tagline for my magazine as it fits in with the title “Brainwashed”. I wanted to give the impression that the magazine is aimed at people who love music so they are always thinking about it.
Genre My magazine will be focused on the genre of pop punk because it is a widely respected genre, liked by many people from different backgrounds. This means that I can further expand my audience. I also chose this genre because I am fully involved in it ( band and been to many gigs).
Double page spread For my double page spread i want to have a picture of a drummer from a pop punk band that i know, which will be the main feature of the page. I shall then have the text from the interview down either side of the image , with a contrasting colour to the image for example if the sides of the image are black , using a white font to make the text really stand out and make readers interested in reading about the person being interviewed.