NECESSARY SKILLS IN LEARNING ENGLISH There are four skills that are necessary when we learn a language. We usually learn to listen first, then to speak, then to read, and finally to write. These skills are called “language skills”.
LISTENING Since we are not living in America, it is hard for us to be around people who speak English. So, how can we practice our listening? Listen to English music Listen to English news either on tv or radio Watching English movies
SPEAKING Speaking does not need us to live in America. We can speak anywhere as long as we have our tongue. The common problem is that we don’t have a partner to speak but we can still speak to ourselves. Sing a song Read aloud a text Retell a story Make a short dialogue
READING Reading a receptive skill we have. Practicing reading needs much motivation as most of us dislike this activity. Read a text that makes you interested Try to find out any information from the text
WRITING Writing a productive skill. It is really important to understand how to make a good writing because what we write should be like what we think. Practice to write words properly in English Learn how to make a good sentence, paragraph, and essay. Write your diary. Post on facebook by using English
PRACTICE WRITE on a piece of paper about your complete name, nickname, address, date of birth, reason to learn English, hobby and two activities you did yesterday. SPEAK in front of the class about what you have written down. Another student LISTEN and WRITE on another piece of paper. The student who has spoken READS another paper of his partner to check it.