Mrs. Rudder’s 10th GRADE ENGLISH August 8-12, 2016
Welcome to my 10th Grade Literature Class! MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 2016 Welcome to my 10th Grade Literature Class! I am Mrs. Rudder. I am so happy to have you in here, and look forward to a great year together!
Attendance Policy Classroom attendance policy is the same as stated in the Shaw Handbook. Detentions will be given for unexcused tardiness. A student has up to 10 days to make up an assignment after returning from as excused absence. Make up test or quizzes are given before or after school, not during class time or lunch.
Grading Policy Grades are based on a 10 point scale: A=90-100, B=80-90, C=70-79, F=0-69. 50% Formative Assessments (homework, classwork, discussion – anything that is “spot” checked for completion) 50% Summative Assessments (Tests, Projects, Quizzes, Final Writing assignments – anything that is graded for accuracy.
Classroom Procedures 1. Students should be in their seats when the bell rings and should bring appropriate materials to class. (book, notebook, pencil) 2. No food or drink in class. 3. Students are given 5 out of class passes per nine weeks. 4. Disrespect for peers and teacher will not be tolerated. 5. If a student needs extra help, we will be available after school from 3:30-4:00pm except Fridays. Please give ample notice due to conferences, meetings, appointments, etc. 6. Disciplinary action, at the discretion of the teacher, will be taken for disregard of rules.
1. One spiral notebook, one 3-ring binder with tabs. Materials 1. One spiral notebook, one 3-ring binder with tabs. 2. Writing utensils and paper is required every day. 3. A positive attitude and good work ethic.
Classroom Rules and Expectations Class promptly begins when the bell rings. Any student who arrives late will receive detention. 2. Come to class prepared. Have paper, pencil, notebook, and textbook. Failure to do so will result in detention. 3. Your paper header is as follows: Name Date Teacher Period 4. Students will follow rules of common courtesy during class. a. No talking during instruction time, classwork, tests, quizzes, or other times specified by the teacher. b. Raise your hand to be recognized. c. No loud talking or yelling at any time. d. You will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
Classroom Rules and Expectations 5. When you arrive every day, look on the board to begin the Raider Rev-up. Begin working immediately. 6. Use your OOC Pass to leave the room. Students will have 5 times to use their pass per 9 weeks. 7. Assignments and homework are due as soon as the bell rings. Do not come to class working on your assignment. Late work will result in a 50% deduction in points. 8. Students have 5 days to make up work. 9. Any student caught cheating will receive a zero on the assignment, will earn detention and have their parent contacted. 10. Food and drinks are not allowed in class.
Classroom Rules and Expectations 11. There is to be no grooming in class. 12. Students are not allowed to talk during tests, quizzes, or other items determined by the teacher. 13. Students are not allowed to sleep in class. 14. Cell phones are not permitted in class. First time caught using a cell phone results in a warning, second time results in taking up the phone until the end of class, and third time results in sending the phone to the office. 15. Students are to follow the dress code policy set by MCSD and SHAW High School. 16. No bullying policy as stated in the student handbook. 17. It is ultimately the student’s responsibility to complete his or her assignments, behave appropriately, and study for this class.
Signature Page The student and parent both must sign this sheet, and return it to me, to show you have read and agree with these rules. Student signature___________________________Date____________________ Parent signature______________ ____________Date____________________
Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Who brought back their Syllabus Signed? Who brought their 3-ring binder and spiral notebook?
Let’s test your knowledge of the syllabus! Tuesday, August 9, 2016 Let’s test your knowledge of the syllabus!
Learning Style Quiz 1. If I have to learn how to do something, I learn best when I: (V) Watch someone show me how. (A) Hear someone tell me how. (K) Try to do it myself. 2. When I read, I often find that I: (V) Visualize what I am reading in my mind’s eye. (A) Read out loud or hear the words inside my head. (K) Fidget and try to “feel” the content. 3. When asked to give directions, I: (V) See the actual places in my mind as I say them or prefer to draw them. (A) Have no difficulty in giving them verbally. (K) Have to point or move my body as I give them.
Learning Style Quiz 4. If I am unsure how to (V) Write it in order to determine if it looks right. (A) Spell it out loud in order to determine if it sounds right. (K) Write it in order to determine if it feels right. 5. When I write I: (V) Am concerned with how neat and well spaced my letters and words appear. (A) Often say the letters and words to myself. (K) Push hard on my part or pencil and can feel the flow of the words. 6. If I had to remember a list of items, I would remember it best if: (V) Wrote them down. (A) Said them over and over to myself. (K) Move around and used my fingers to name each item.
Learning Style Quiz 7. I prefer teachers who: (V) Use a board or overhead projector while they lecture. (A) Talk with lots of expression. (K) Use hands on activities. 8. When trying to concentrate, I have a difficult time when: (V) There is a lot of clutter or movement in the room. (A) There is a lot of noise in the room. (K) I have to sit still for any length of time. 9. When solving a problem I: (V) Write or draw diagrams to see it. (A) Talk myself through it. (K) Use my entire body or move objects to help me think.
Learning Style Quiz 10. When given written instructions on how to build something, I: (V) Read them silently and try to visualize how the parts will fit together. (A) Read them out loud and talk to myself as I put the part together. (K) Try to put the parts together first and read later. 11. To keep occupied while waiting, I: (V) Look around, stare, or read. (A) Talk or listen to others. (K) Walk around, manipulate things with my hands, or move/shake my feet as I sit. 12. If I had to verbally describe something to another person, I would: (V) Be brief because I do not like to talk at length. (A) Go into great detail because I like to talk. (K) Gesture and move around while talking.
Learning Style Quiz 13. If someone were verbally describing something to another person, I would: (V) Try to visualize what he/she was saying. (A) Enjoy listening but want to interrupt and talk myself. (K) Become bored if her/his description got too long and detailed. 14. When trying to recall names, I remember: (V) Faces but forget names. (A) Names, but forget faces. (K) The situation where I met the person rather than the person’s name or face.
Learning Style Quiz Visual Learners Use visual association, visual imagery, written repetition, flash cards, and clustering strategies for improved memory. Develop written or pictorial outlines of responses before answering essay questions. Use organizational format outlining for recording notes. Use underlining, highlighting in different colors, symbols, flow charts, graphs or pictures in your notes. Auditory Learners Work in quiet areas to reduce distractions, avoiding areas with conversation, music, and television. Discuss topics with other students, professors and GTAs. Ask others to hear your understanding of the material. Leave spaces in your lecture notes for later recall and 'filing'. Expand your notes by talking with others and collecting notes from the textbook. Read your notes aloud.
Learning Style Quiz Kinesthetic Learners Actively participate in discussions. Use all of your senses sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing. Use direct involvement, physical manipulation, imagery, and "hands on" activities to improve motivation, interest, and memory. Organize information into the steps that were used to physically complete a task
Who has their syllabus signed today? WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2016 Who has their syllabus signed today?
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2016 Let’s work on putting together our binders and placing the correct tabs inside.
About Me ~ Mrs. Rudder
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2016 Today I want you to write me a one page paper about yourself. I want you to include everything you want me to know about YOU! Your family, your pets, your favorite food/color/sport/hobby. The only requirement is you must write one full page. Have fun!
Who has their syllabus signed? THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2016 Who has their syllabus signed?
Today I have a crossword puzzle for you to complete. THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2016 Today I have a crossword puzzle for you to complete. You are to use your syllabus to help you answer the questions.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2016 Who has their syllabus signed? Let’s review our syllabus. Let’s play KAHOOT again! Let’s check our binders to make sure they are ready! You should have turned in your one page paper, your crossword and your syllabus.