English III “It’s a Theme and thesis Thursday!” Mr. Houghteling January 16, 2014 – Mr. Houghteling
AGENDA Irregular Verb Bellringer “Telephone Conversation” –TPCASTT Questions: 1, 7, 8, 9
Lily Allen: “Smile” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WxDrVUrSvI
Title— make a prediction Paraphrase— put it into your own words TP-CASTT “Telephone Conversation” by Wole Soyinka Title— make a prediction Paraphrase— put it into your own words Connotation— what “tricks” does the poet use? Attitude (tone)— what is the diction of the poem? Shifts— where does the poem change? Title— revisit the title (how close were you?) Theme—
Vocabulary indifferent (2)—having no particular interest or concern; apathetic rancid (12)— having a disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats; rank squelching (14)— to crush as if by trampling; squash dumbfoundment (16)— filled with astonishment and perplexity
Vocabulary spectroscopic (23) – as if utilizing a device to observe different aspects of color “flight of fancy” (24) – an imaginative exploration peroxide blonde (30) – the color of hair that has been bleached with hydrogen peroxide
British terms or other imagery Red booth (13). Red pillar-box (13). Red double-tiered Omnibus (13- 14). West African sepia (22)~ ironically…
THEME What does the poem say about the human experience, motivation, or condition? What subject does the poem address? What do we learn about that subject? What idea does the poet want us to take away from the poem?
Complete the questions for “Telephone Conversation”: 1, 7, 8, 9. HOMEWORK Complete the questions for “Telephone Conversation”: 1, 7, 8, 9.