Caring for the environment
Reuse Reuse plastic, paper and cardboard to make something else. Reusing is good for the environment.
Recycle You can recycle aluminium, glass, steel, paper and plastic. Aluminium can be recycled over and over and over again. Put all the things that can be recycled in the bin with the yellow lid.
Reduce Reduce means to use less. Reduce the amount of electricity you use so coal is not burned and the air does not get polluted. Reduce the amount of rubbish you drop on the ground so sea animals don’t die.
Polluting Walk or ride a scooter, a bike or a skateboard to places so the air does not get polluted by cars. Put a jumper on instead of using the fire because the fire burns smoke which can pollute the air. DO NOT SMOKE IT POLLUTES THE AIR!
Shopping Bring your own bag instead of buying plastic bags because it’s bad for the environment. Get food with no wrappers on them so not much rubbish goes to land fill.
Water Don’t leave the tap running while brushing your teeth so you don’t waste water. Have a short shower instead of having long showers and have a shallow bath instead of a deep bath because you waste water.
Air Don’t pollute the air! Keep the air clean every day so the environment doesn’t Get Dirty.