RECYCLILNG INFORMATION IN SPAIN Population with access to selective collection: 47,251,885 Containers selection plants: 96 Recycled tons: 1,195,001 Plastic: 371,218 Metals (steel and aluminium): 261,376 Paper: 557,505 Wood: 4,901 Recycle percentage: 71.9%
TYPES OF CONTAINERS BLUE: paper and paperboard GREEN: glass YELLOW: plastic ORANGE/BROWN: food rests SIGRE POINTS: medicines BATTERY CONTAINERS RECYCLING CENTRES: dangerous waste
DO YOU KNOW THAT… In Spain only the 35% of aluminium is recycled. If we’d recycle th rest we’d save 12,000,000m3, enough to supply water to the entire country for two days. With a kilo of crushed glass we save 6 litres of water, 1,2kg of organic material and 20% of energy. Recycling 1kg of paper we save 98 litres of water. A battery could contaminate 100litres of water.
MATERIALS THAT CAN BE RECYCLED Paper and paperboard Metal Battery Paints and oils Glass Organic matter Plastic
COLLECTING BOTTLE CAPS In Spain there’s a company (SEUR) that collects bottle caps to help children who need medical treatment. There are 13 milion people helping to collects these caps, 83children helped, 668,080€ given and 2,864 tones of caps recycled.
THE VALENCIAN COMMUNITY During the 2015 at the Valencian Community were recovered 39,411,119kg of light packaging: Alicante: 13,268,000 Valencia: 22,305,786 Castellón: 3,836,000
RECYCLING PLANTS There are 52 provinces with recycling plants, and 17,150 companies that work with them. There are 43 provinces with plastic recycling plants, and 292 companies that work with them. In 2014 Spain started to have recycling plants to produce recycled material to make food packaging, authorize by the UE.
The first country in european recycle is Austria. SPAIN AND EUROPE In 2015 Spain recycled 1,2 milion domestic packaging, the 72% of the market packaging. This made Spain grow in recycling and be one of the firsts countries of european recycle. The first country in european recycle is Austria.