Advisement Overview Parent Presentation Summer 2017 University Advisement Advisement Overview Parent Presentation Summer 2017 Welcome to the Advisement overview… Introduce yourself… What we will cover
University Advisement Academic Advisor Role We are there We know The responsibilities of your advisor can be categorized into three overarching themes – We are there – FT staff positions… here when the University is open. Someone will always be available in a timely manner. We know – well trained by university – college – and sometimes the department We care – we all got into this business for the $! Joke… We care
University Advisement Academic Advisor Role Advisors’ responsibilities: Communicate Degree Requirements Encourage and support students with their educational plans and goals Provide students with information for utilizing the available resources Monitor students’ progress toward meeting their degree plan Be accessible Maintain confidentiality Here are some specifics…
University Advisement We Advise Students As much as we do the one thing we wont do is decide for your student… We are like the navigator on a 4yr long road trip – but the student is the driver What does that mean? Next slide…
University Advisement Student Role Be the active partner and final decision maker… Visit with advisors each semester. Come prepared to each appointment. Be an active learner by participating fully in the advising experience. Share their personal interests, abilities, values and goals. Become knowledgeable about college programs, policies, and procedures. Accept responsibility for their decisions. The student is in the drivers seat and we merely help navigate…
University Advisement Parent’s Role Parents’ responsibilities in the advising relationship Encourage Ask questions for understanding without attaching value/emotion Prompt them to meet with Advisors regularly Coach from the sideline Check progress on student “to do’s” Be a sounding board Give feedback that empowers the student When in doubt – tell them to …. See their Advisor! How can you help… Always end the conversation with – maybe you should see your advisor… Give an example of how to help prepare for a visit. Practice…
University Advisement Other RESOURCES The Director for University Advisement UNM Student Info UNM Core Requirement The Center for Academic Support (CAPS) Parent & Family Website Advisement Centers Office of Equity & Inclusion LoboAchieve Important links for Current UNM Students Academic Roadmaps Student Success Initiatives Advisors are not the only people that want to ensure your students success. here are many offices and websites that are designed to do just that. This demonstrates a wide range of ways we want to assist – you
University Advisement Activities Tomorrow Registration Today Introductions To their Degree Plan To their College/Major Advisors To their advising resources Placement Major Interest High Impact Courses 15 credit Hours What are we doing today with your students? Registering for coursework Not Advisement – merely introductions Tomorrow will be the lab portion if today is the lecture – they will search and register for courses. We will show them how and review their schedule. In most cases we will encourage a follow up one on one advisement meeting or set it up with them.
University Advisement Orientation blues Registration can be emotional So keep in mind Your students may not have placed where they think they should. Your students may not get the times that they want. A course your students really wanted may already be closed. There are typically placement tests that can allow students another option. They will get what they need to be successful. They can join waitlists and check back throughout the summer. They are registering last but they also have the most flexibility in what will work for degree completion. Degree applicable hours for a freshmen are typically everything…
University Advisement QUESTIONS