Frank Deppisch, Ralph Engel, Paolo Lipari, James Pinfold GGI workshop:”Colliders Physics and the Cosmos” (25th -29th September 2017) Collider Physics, High Energy Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos (25th -29th September 2017) A summary of the main points Frank Deppisch, Ralph Engel, Paolo Lipari, James Pinfold
The Talks Neutrinos, 0nbb and the LHC – Frank Deppisch Searching for Monopoles and Other Exotica at Colliders and in Cosmic Rays – James Pinfold From the Knee to the Ankle – What Astroparticle physics and Collider physics together can say about the main features of the cosmic ray energy spectrum – Paolo Lipari Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays and Hadronic Interactions Part 1: Cosmic-Ray Physics – Ralph Engel Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays and Hadronic Interactions Part 2: Particle Physics Aspects – Ralph Engel
Neutrinos, 0nbb and the LHC Neutrinos much lighter than other fermions Dirac or Majorana? Lepton Number Violation? ◦Neutrino masses need BSM physics, but at what scale? Neutrino physics is BSM physics Neutrino mass models can be searched for at LHC Wide range of scenarios and signatures Observation of LNV processes Likely pinpoints the origin of neutrino mass generation Can falsify high scale baryogenesis scenarios Important information for model selection, e.g. Observation of 0nbb Observation of LNV at the LHC
Searching for Monopoles and Other Exotica at Colliders and in Cosmic Rays MoEDAL is the newest experiment at the LHC that started data taking at √s=13 Tev in 2015 Aim to search for highly ionizing avatars of new physics, very long- lived particles and highly penetrating phenomena Complementary to general purpose LHC detectors ATLAS & CMS The search for the magnetic monopole uo to 6-7 TeV mass is a key aim, but many others defined (Int.J.Mod.Phys. A29 (2014) 1430050) Possible use of MAPP (MoEDAL Apparatus for Long-Lived particles) subdetector detector propoed at this meeting, for Searching for heavy sterile neutrinos (RE: Frank’s talk) High energy muons studies useful in understanding cosmic muons may be possible – the possibility arose from the meeting (RE: Ralph’s 2nd talk on the muon problem)
MoEDAL Apparatus for Penetrating Particles (MAPP) MAPP will be able to take data in p-p, p-A,A-A and also fixed target interactions using SMOG (an internal gas target in LHCb) MAPP has three motivations To search for particles with charges <<1e (ATLAS & CMS limited to searches with particles of charge e ≥ 1/3) To search for new pseudo-stable neutrals with long lifetime and anomalously penetrating particles
Cosmic-MoEDAL With a high altitude, large area array using same Nuclear Track Detector Technology used in MoEDAL we can extend the search for monopoles from the LHC’s TeV scale to the GUT scale. Such a array can also search for other exotic cosmic particles: Q-balls, nuclearites, primordial black holes, microscopic black hole remnants and other highly ionizing particles produced in UHECR air showers A good example of the synergy between collider and cosmic ray physics that is the topic of this meeting The initial planning is now underway
From the Knee to the Ankle….... Overview of the landscape of cosmic ray air shower physics and its synergy with particle physics Uncertainties in the air shower models Need to include diffraction, elastic scattering, etc. “An understanding of the origin of the positron and antiproton fluxes is of central importance for High Energy Astrophysics” The e-, e+, p-bar spectra found from AMS, PAMELA, etc. What can we learn from the ration of e+/p-bar – why are they similar (e+/p-bar ~ 2 at E > 30 GeV)? Is there a secondary origin for both fluxes Is he energy dependence of the e-/p fluxes NOT the effect of propagation, but formed at injection? Is there a new source of positrons to compensate for energy loss of positrons? Will the spectrum turn down? Etc.
Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays and Hadronic Interactions Part 1: Cosmic-Ray Physics AUGER and TA description and differences What is the origin of the flux suppression at 6x1019 eV? Composition estimate using rise time of signal and shower fluctuations Composition dependence changing with energy Change of model predictions thanks to LHC data Proton-air cross-sections Large Scale anisotropy Transition from galactic to extragalactic CRs Photon and neutrino fluxes at very high energies TA x 4 Project and AugerPrime status and physics reach
Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays and Hadronic Interactions Part 2: (1) Composition interpretation essential for understanding astrophys LHC data of central importance for more reliable composition interpretation Good collaboration between members of CR community & LHC/HEP Feedback from air-shower observations, CR int. models successful at LHC Cosmic ray data at 1019.5 eV likely not protons (except exotic physics) p interactions as major uncertainty for muon discrepancy id’ed Need measurement of energy dependence of ρ0 production Consistent description at lower energy, transition to direct measurements Forward charm production of increasing interest Primary flux composition also directly linked to inclusive lepton fluxes
Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays and Hadronic Interactions Part 2: (2) So far models only tuned for p-p interactions (& partially p-Pb, Pb-Pb) Models with similar p-p predictions differ significantly for p-O EG: difference in multiplicity prediction of models corresponds to difference between p and He of cosmic ray particles (ΔXma ~20 g/cm2) Forward particle production in p-O essentially unknown Peripheral collisions in p-O much more important than in p-Pb Model predictions give only lower limit to real uncertainty due to similar assumptions, need data to estimate real uncertainty