Kazoo~ United States Djun-Djun 16 inch x 29 inch, Rosewood African Bass Drum~ Africa Ashiko~ Africa Mirliton (predecessor to the kazoo)~ Africa
Bongos~ Cuba Kazoo~ United States Kazoo~ United States Mirliton (predecessor to the kazoo)~ Africa Kazoo~ United States Kazoo~ United States Eunuch or onion Flute (predecessor to the kazoo)~ France Eunuch or onion Flute (predecessor to the kazoo)~ France Bongos~ Cuba
Ankle Bells~ India Cabasa, Coconut, Colorful~ Africa Irish flute is made of cocus wood Australia ~ didgeridoo. Ankle Bells~ India Bendir with Snare~ Africa The earliest music in Australia was the folk music of the Aborigines and the oldest instrument created is thought to be their didgeridoo. Though the music declined after the Europeans colonized there, it has recently begun to be revived with a modern influence.
Kalimba~ Grahamstown, South Africa Bombards~ Celtic music. Bagpipe~ Scotland Kanoune Standard~ Egypt The Hugh Tracey Alto Kalimba is the original kalimba made by African Musical Instruents in Grahamstown, South Africa since 1960. Kanoune Standard: It was made in Egypt and has 4 keys and 75 nylon strings. This predecessor of the piano, the Kanoon is mentioned in century Arabic writings Spike fiddles, or rebabs, are part of the lute family. Rebab is an Arabic term translated as bowed string instrument. Such fiddles date back, at least, to the 8th century in Arabia and Persia. Islamic trading routes helped to spread it over much of North Africa, the Middle and Far East, and Europe. There are two basic forms of the rebab. Bombards are still used in some Celtic music. They are quite loud, despite their small size. Their tone is high and penetrating. Rebab~ Arabia and Persia.
Sitar~ India The Balalaika~ Russia Wildwood Dulcimer~ Celtic The Balalaika is a lute-like folk instrument of northern and central Russia, a descendant of the 16th century dombra. The Balalaika has a triangular body and a long neck with frets. It has a flat back and a thin, slightly arched soundboard.
Erhu Chinese Violin The Pipa Chinese lute The Gu Zheng (or guzheng) ~ China Nagaswaram reeded Indian flute The Pipa Chinese lute is a 4 stringed instrument. Paulownia construction, redwood neck and pegs The Nagaswaram reeded Indian flute has seven finger-holes. Erhu Chinese Violin
Bouzouki~ Greece Chinese wind gongs Yue Qin Chinese moon guitar. Bodhran~ Ireland The Bouzouki is a Greek string instrument. The mid size is called Tsouras and the mini is called Baglama. The Bouzouki is produced in tetrachordo or trichordo, which means 3 or 4 course strings. If you can play a fretted instrument, you can learn to play the Bouzouki. Yue Qin Chinese moon guitar. Three stringed Chinese Lute Chinese Musical Instruments In China, musical style varies from region to region due to it’s size, but traditional music is based on the pentatonic scale with a simple rhythm and a double meter. The single tone has a greater significance than the melody and it’s an important attribute of the substance that produces it. Instrumentals are generally short and they are based on stories, legends and true events. Traditional instruments are separated into classes according to the material in which they are made. Some of the classes are: silk (lute, two-string fiddle, hammered dulcimer with silk string), bamboo (flute and bamboo pipes), skin (a variety of large and small drums generally played with beaters) and metal (gongs, cymbals, clappers and bells). The Gu Zheng (or guzheng) is a Chinese string instrument which is a member of the zither family. It is a plucked Chinese musical instrument with movable bridges. The number of strings on a Gu Zheng can vary from 15 to over 30 strings. Bouzouki~ Greece Chinese wind gongs
Bamboo Flute Set~ India Bolt Tuned Wooden Tabla Drum~ India
Pandeiro~ Latin Conga Set, Basket Stands~ Latin The riq is used as a traditional instrument in Arabic music.