Is It Really Love®?
My first love or my first crush?
LOs To understand the natural law of attraction To identify the wisdom behind intimacy within marriage
# To understand the natural law of attraction Ps jot down and discuss in ps why young muslims may be tempted to/date
#To identify the wisdom behind intimacy within marriage Imagine… #To identify the wisdom behind intimacy within marriage Do a mind-map on the board/ask pupils individually/let them discuss in pairs then get together Explain the different reasons Ask them: how would you feel if one year after your marriage, you find out your partner’s first love was someone else? Go round listening to the responses. Wouldn’t you want your spouse to only think about you in that way? So protect yourself and be each other’s first and halal only inshallah. If you resist temptation now, Allah will definitely grant you something even better you could have ever imagined, especially when it’s become the norm.
You are the Agony Aunt of a Muslim Magazine aimed at teenagers You are the Agony Aunt of a Muslim Magazine aimed at teenagers. 13 yr old Halima has written in to you and you have to respond to her…
Dear Agony Aunt, You probably get loads of letters like mine but I hope you can help me out. I’ve never been out with a guy before but my friends have been telling me to go out on just one date with this cute guy in my form class. He has asked about me quite a few times and I’ve been told that he really likes me. All my mates have boyfriends and I’m trying really hard to resist, but it’s getting very tough! Please help, Halima
Lusting after celebrities?