Twelve Tables When: Classical Civilizations, 400’s BCE Where: Roman Republic, Western Europe What: First code of laws written for such a large group of people Included upper & lower class rules Effects on society: Civilizations started to write laws instead of making them up as they go. Roman laws greatly influenced later culture’s legal systems (Europe & USA)
Justinian Code When: Post-Classical Civilizations, 500s CE Where: Byzantine Empire, Eastern & Western Europe What: - A more extensive law code incorporation past legal decisions & Roman Emperor rulings United the Byzantine Empire with the Catholic Church Effects on society: Used throughout Europe to unite people. Became basis for Western European laws
Hammurabi’s Code When: Ancient World, 1700s BCE Where: Babylonia – in the Tigris & Euphrates River Valley of the Middle East What: First code of laws had strict rules & harsh punishments Different rules for different classes of people Effects on society: Code was posted for all citizens to see. Encouraged later civilizations to write down laws
Napoleonic Code When: Age of Revolutions, 1804 Where: French Empire (after French Revolution) What: Napoleon’s code of laws uniform (same) set of laws for all of France stopped privileges based on birth allowed freedom of religion specified that gov’t jobs should go to most qualified Effects on society: Influenced all Western European & USA
Universal Declaration of Human Rights When: Post WWII, 1948 Where: global What: Defined the human rights of people of the world after WWII as a response to the Holocaust Document adopted by all UN nations Effects on society: nations decide if they want to actually follow the rules. Establishes a court system for individuals or countries who break the rules
Ten Commandments When: Ancient World, 2000s BCE Where: Middle East and later global What: established a moral set of behaviors expected by monotheistic religions – Judaism & Christianity Effects on society: rules transferred to other religions and influenced non-religious laws as well
Sharia Law When: Post Classical Middle East, 600s - present Where: Middle East, other Muslim majority countries What: Sharia is NOT a written code of laws, but is a set of guiding values and behaviors derived from the Koran (Islamic Holy Book) Different Muslim countries follow them more or less strictly Effects on society: Used in Theocratic states. Interpreted differently in different countries and punishments vary by nation/region
Feudal Codes When: Middle Ages, 500s – 1200s Where: Chivalry – Western Europe Bushido – Japan What: Codes of conduct for warrior classes (Chivalry for European Knights, Bushido for Japanese Samurai) Based on loyalty to feudal leader, honor among each other, and bravery in battle Effects on society: codes established the role of soldiers in a society and behavioral guidelines
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