Buxton Voices Feedback PPT 19th May 2017
Joint Buxton Voices Friday 19th May Agenda Olive Dining - Consultation and Q & A session “It’s all about the Bants” - An important message for pupils School playground charter - an all through perspective School Travel Plan - Hands Up Survey (20 House Points)
First of all a message from the Chair of Governors To the boys and girls of Buxton Voices, Thank you for giving up your free time to come and speak to governors yesterday evening. We were very impressed by your maturity and engagement, as well as by the community work you have been doing. You are all brilliant ambassadors for Buxton School and the values it represents. We hope we will have the opportunity to hear from you again next year. Until then, if you have any proposals you would like the governors to consider or any questions you would like to ask us, please speak to Ms Moloney, who will be able to pass on any messages. Thank you again, and the very best of luck with your studies, Tom Williams On behalf of the Board of Governors of Buxton School
Meeting with Olive Dining Olive Dining came to meet with Buxton Voices and we asked them loads of questions about the food, canteen and service. They were really responsive and promised to look at some of our queries.
We asked them loads of questions including; Can we have more vegetarian dishes? Can we have less butter in sandwiches? Can we have healthier options? Can we have a sandwich bar in the new school? Why is the food so expensive? Can we have bigger portions? Olive dining responded positively and we will feed back all the questions and answers very soon.
You could win Amazon vouchers worth £100 Competition launch… Meanwhile Olive Dining and Buxton School are launching a competition to name our new eating area (formerly canteen) in the new school building. What do you think it should be called? What should we call our new canteen? To enter write your idea on a piece of paper with your name and your form group and hand it to Miss Moloney Good luck! (Closing date 30th June) You could win Amazon vouchers worth £100
Primary pupils have already formulated a playground charter and we asked Secondary Buxton voices to come up with a version that would suit key stages 3 & 4.
Hidden Code word #withManchester Secondary Playground Charter Proposal Cooperate with others; make them feel welcome Respect members of staff and students Be courteous and use appropriate language Play safe and be aware of your surroundings Respect and understand staff decisions Show respect by sharing and looking after equipment Get ready for learning when the bell goes and freeze when the whistle blows Keep our school a litter free environment Hidden Code word #withManchester
Bants Bants Also bantz Plural - noun - BRITISH informal Playfully teasing or mocking remarks exchanged with another person or group; banter "it's going to be a top night with plenty of bants“ ‘The pair took their lad bantz a bit too far as they passed their time in the jungle by hurling insults at each other.’ Origin – Early 21st Century; from banter
When bants goes wrong…. These are ALL criminal offences and will be treated very seriously and may even lead to arrest and a criminal record. Acts of violence (physical and mental) Bullying Crowding Filming without permission Adding to social media without permission (to humiliate) Grievous Bodily Harm Actual Bodily Harm Joint Enterprise (crowding round to spectate and doing nothing )
Please put your hand up if the following questions apply to you. Hands Up Survey Please put your hand up if the following questions apply to you.
Please complete this form with your class/form It is attached in the same email as this PPT Hand it in to Miss Moloney or Miss Clarke You will earn 20 House Points for your house