Essential Question: How do I Punctuate a Pause? Wait for it…
Which punctuation mark shows a Pause? A. … the Ellipsis B. — the Dash C. , the Comma
ALL OF THEM! , the Comma … the Ellipsis — the Dash The ellipsis, dash, and comma all show a pause.
punctuating pauses ellipsis dash comma
Content Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.8.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.8.2a Use punctuation (comma, ellipsis, dash) to indicate a pause or break.
… the ELLIPSIS An ellipsis is a mark indicating a longer pause or an intentional pause. An ellipsis consists of three periods, with a space before and after if it’s being used within a sentence. An ellipsis used at the end of a sentence consists of four periods (three ellipsis points and one period). An ellipsis can add suspense to a narrative or personality to dialogue. Example: I wasn’t really . . . well, what I mean . . . see, the thing is . . . I didn’t mean it.
— the DASH More accurately known as the em-dash A dash is a mark used to show a sudden break in thought. A dash adds emphasis, clarification, or extra sudden information. Example: We don't know where — or how — the problem began.
, the Comma A comma can be used to indicate a short, natural pause. A comma helps the reader understand what he is reading. Commas alert the reader to a list, a conjunction, a dependent clause, or other reason to pause. Example: My best friend, Mercedes, is a great seamstress.
Take a Minute. Discuss the differences: … the Ellipsis- a mark indicating a pause or an omission Example: I wasn’t really . . . well, what I mean . . . see, the thing is . . . I didn’t mean it. — the Dash- a mark used to show a sudden break in thought Example: We don't know where—or how—the problem began. , the Comma- a mark indicating a short, natural pause Example: My best friend, Mercedes, is a great seamstress.
Which fits best? Millie began to think ____ maybe Dan wasn’t who he said he was ____ Maybe Dan was in on the burglary ____ … … ….
Right before I went to Cancun __ I celebrated my twentieth birthday. Which fits best? Right before I went to Cancun __ I celebrated my twentieth birthday. ,
The onyx is a perfect gem__ solid, smooth, and beautiful. Which fits best? The onyx is a perfect gem__ solid, smooth, and beautiful. —
the dash Vs. the ellipsis Vs. The Comma Say the following sentences aloud to your partner. How are they different? Write a short explanation. The length and significance of the pause: Wait – I need help! The dash adds short pause and clarification. Wait . . . I need help! The ellipsis adds a long pause and suspense. Helen, I need your help. The comma adds a shorter pause. It’s a direction to the reader to take a short pause.
These are similar sentences. Why is the punctuation different? I am tired of washing your dishes, sweeping your floor, and cooking your food. A comma is used for pauses in a sentence. In this sentence, a pause is needed after each item listed. I am tired of washing your dishes, sweeping your floor and…being your servant. An ellipsis is used for a dramatic pause. In this sentence, a dramatic pause is needed as the speaker searches for the right word.
How do I determine which punctuation mark to use for a pause? Read the sentence (and all surrounding sentences) to make sure you completely understand what the author is trying to convey. Try reading the sentence with each: an ellipsis, a dash, and a comma. Once you know what the sentence means, you will be able to pick the best mark. If there is a need for a longer, intentional pause, use an ellipsis. If there is a sudden break in thought, use a dash. If a short pause is needed to help the reader read the text, use a comma.
Rewrite each sentence, inserting the correct punctuation. “It looks like a real __________ oh no!” “You have the right to remain_________look out!” He grabbed the ping pong paddle________swung it at me________ and I ducked. Ghosts gathered______ goblins arrived_____ witches descended. I hope to become the chairman_______earn a lot of money_______and give back to my community. Please help me_______ please get help_______ I didn’t mean to cause this explosion. Think back to the moment you found out that you were royalty_______ In that moment_______ in that moment_______ did you think it was a bad thing? “I think I can step on this rock to get to ______ help!”
Discuss the Answers: 1. DASH 2. DASH 3. COMMA 4. ELLIPSIS 5. COMMA 6. ELLIPSIS 7. ELLIPSIS 8. DASH “It looks like a real – oh no!” “You have the right to remain – look out!” He grabbed the ping pong paddle, swung it at me, and I ducked. Ghosts gathered… goblins arrived… witches descended. I hope to become the chairman, earn a lot of money, and give back to my community. Please help me… please get help… I didn’t mean to cause this explosion. Think back to the moment you found out that you were royalty… In that moment… in that moment… did you think it was a bad thing? “I think I can step on this rock to get to – help!”