Bryce’s Student-Led Conference Welcome Mom!
In Language Arts I have learned that if you want to become a citizen of united states of America. You have to go to a court and get certified for living in the united states of America. Then you are free to live and go places in the united states of America. The best part is if you lived in a hot place of the world then get ready for snow ball fights. I also learned about how make a proper paragraph first you indent by pressing the tab button on your left. Then you capitalize the first letter of the first word in the sentence. Then you make sure that you have correct spelling. You do it by making sure that you have no red squiggly red lines. So that’s how you make a good paragraph.
My Favorite Story or Novel from Language Arts One of my favorite stories/novel that I read this year was Simon bloom the gravity keeper because you could learn while you have fun reading. Another story I enjoyed was My teacher flunked the planet because…
You will insert a picture here of yourself reading.
In Social Studies I learned that there was a war called the civil war. From the early 1600s until the end of the 1700s. People kid napped African men and women. Then they captured them and took to the north. So that they would become slaves. We also studied the underground rail road. The underground helped the fugitives escape to the south. So then they can be free. That’s what every slave desired to get on. It was like a renaissance. So that’s how it started.
In Science So we are studding aquariums and terrariums in are class this year. So before we put in the insects and fish in we had to learn about them before we could put them in to the terrarium and aquarium. So this is what we learned. We learned that if you freeze a cricket it won’t die. It’s just frozen but when it gets warm it will move again. So then we put them in. After we put them in we all named them. We also studied about variables and how that most of each variables change over time. So that means we are a variables. I think that it is cool that we are variables. So variables are thing that change for instance you like a caterpillar. I t changes into a butterfly. That is a variable hope you like it.
Import a picture(s) that represents something you learned about in Social Studies
Import a picture(s) that represent what you learned in Science.
In Mathematics I learned that if you want to make angels it is fun to find them out of the internet or a magazine. For instance I found some angels Michael Jackson poses. So that’s how find angels out of regular house hold items. So that’s what you do if you want to find angels out of stuff. We also studied perimeter. Also we studied how base and equals area. This is how it works. First you measure you the length upwards and say it was 5. Then you measure the base and say it was four. Then your answer is twenty..
Import a picture(s) that represents something you learned in math.
This is a link to my wiki page. Let’s spend some time looking at my favorite work that I did on my own and with the class.
Strengths One of my strengths is math I am proud of this because a long time ago I wasn’t good at math at all. But since I’ve been practicing. Another of my strengths is science I am proud of this because I was all ways interested in bugs and such.
One thing I want to work on… I think I can do better at
My Goals… My academic goal this year was to… So far, I… My personal/character goal this year was to…
April 2?, 2010 Dear Mom, Thank you for coming to my conference today. I am so happy that you were able to make it today. It was such a fun experience. I hope that you liked it. Well at least I did. It was so fun. I hope that you liked all of my hard working paragraphs Love Bryce,