’09-’10 ASNE TIDEWATER PROGRAM SCHEDULE Tidewater Section AUG 24 Ms. Clair Dorey, ODU (GI Bill & Education Fair) SEPT 16 VADM John J. Donnelly, COMSUBFOR OCT 21 RADM J. Clarke Orzalli, USFFC N43 Director Fleet Maintenance NOV 18 USCG CAPT Fred Sommer, CO USCGC Healy, “Emerging Arctic” TBD RADM Kevin M. Quinn, COMNAVSURFLANT, “Readiness” DEC 16 RADM Nevin P. Carr, Office of Naval Research (ONR) JAN 20 FEB 17 TBD FLEET LUNCHEON #3 MAR 17 APR 21 May 19 SOCIAL, NO GUEST SPEAKER DINNER MEETING FLEET LUNCHEON last updated: 7/30/09 M. D'Amato 226-1114
’09-’10 ASNE TIDEWATER PROGRAM SPEAKER Candidates Tidewater Section Organization Speaker Topic LEAD / Comments COMSUBFOR Commander VADM John J. Donnelly SUBFOR Command Brief Committed- SEPT DINNER 7/27- backup dates? Lead Call- Yurso LCDR R. Sanchez 836-1465 roberto.f.sanchez@navy.mil FFC N43 RADM J. Clarke Orzalli Director Fleet Maintenance Fleet Maint Big Picture RMC-NSY Integration Committed- OCT DINNER Flexible / Also Available Sept & Nov YN1 McGee 836-3748 USCG CAPT Fred Sommer, P.E. CO, USCG HEALY (WAGB-20) Icebreaker / Arctic Research Vessel “Emerging Arctic” Committed- NOV Dinner Lives in PNW / Visiting for CG Conf. Lead call – CAPT David Lunt ONR RADM Nevin P. Carr Navy R&D Overview 7/21: Committed DEC DINNER Backup: March / LT confirm in Sep Lead Call- Orzalli Geo-Batch home in Norfolk LT Anderson 703-696-4258 travis.j.anderson@navy.mil Confirmed Probable No Activity
’09-’10 ASNE TIDEWATER PROGRAM SPEAKER Candidates Tidewater Section Organization Speaker Topic LEAD / Comments CNSF Atlantic RADM Kevin M. Quinn Readiness 7/30: Committed- Oct/Nov Lunch Staff working dates Lead Call- Orzalli 7/17 YNC (Chief) Chad Cothron Chad.cothron@navy.mil Phone: 757-836-3005. ACOS: CAPT Bob Oldani / HRSNA MARMC / Bahrain LCDR Jay Young (AOIC) LPD21 USS New Orleans Collision Repairs Available November or Later Fleet Luncheon or Dinner Lead Call- CAPT Chuck Baker NECC Commander RADM Carol M. Pottenger NECC Command Brief Overview // Vision 7/8: Staff working calendar Lead Call- Orzalli 7/6 Barbara Wilcox 462-4316 x253 barbara.wilcox.ctr@navy.mil USCG RDML Thomas P. Ostebo, CG-4 Assistant Commandant for Engineering & Logistics USCG Modernization (Org. Realignment) 7/23: CG45 Staff working calendar CAPT Lunt- lead call to Capt Paul Roden CG45
’09-’10 ASNE TIDEWATER PROGRAM SPEAKER Candidates Tidewater Section Organization Speaker Topic LEAD / Comments JFCOM VADM Robert S. Harward (Deputy) JFCOM / Human Interest SEAL, Tehran, Afghanistan ORZALLI- lead call pending NAVSEA VADM Kevin M. McCoy Human Interest Ms. Heidi Piper Astronaut Experience MSMO / INDUSTRY TBD Industry Perspective Navy Maintenance D’AMATO- Discuss Speaker or Panel Construct w/ VSRA Mal Branch, Bill Clifford, etc ABS Mr. Glenn Ashe World market, ABS role Navy Surveys, LCS D’AMATO Mr. James Cameron Exploration Battleship Bismarck D’AMATO / “Special Event” Cameron spoke at ASNE Day 2008 Elected Official Senator Webb Capitol Hill Perspective JOHNSON LEAD- emailed staff 6/25 PEO Ships Mr. Glen Sturtevant Navy S&T Director D’AMATO- backup speaker
’09-10 ASNE TIDEWATER PROGRAM TOUR Candidates Tidewater Section Organization Speaker Topic LEAD / Comments LCS-1 TOUR USS Freedom Ship Tour emails / no response D’AMATO / LM’ Cam Ingram CO CDR Mike Doran VMASC Tour Virginia Modeling & Simulation Center D’AMATO / MAERSK- new terminal Portsmouth Bob Bowers 852-2237 rbowers@milnet.com