Ottawa School Trip April 4-April 8 2017
General Information Each student receives $40 meal money/day. 10-breakfast 10 lunch 20 supper Leaving Sydney Airport 5:45 am Returning 3:30 pm Saturday April 8 Student can bring electronics, but they are responsible for there own devices. We have a chartered bus in Ottawa to pick us up at Airport, and various other events All students are required to attend all events. Need to know if any medication for students.
Sheraton Hotel Ottawa
Places Visiting
General Information Chaperones--- Darrell Syms, Tim Jesty, Darren Googoo, Sandi Gould, Dawn Dugandzic and Alex Dugandzic If students bring spending money we can hold it for them. See Sandi Carry on luggage for plane must meet Airline Standards. Students are allowed to check 1 bag.
Behavior This is an Educational Trip and all school rules apply. We would like for you to have a discussion with your child with regards to behavior on the trip Traditionally we have had no issues when on trips. But the staff that will be going, does have the job of making this as much Fun, Educational and Safe as possible. We will discipline the students as we see the need. This is a large responsibility that the chaperone are under taking. Treat them as as would my own children.
Things we Need I do not have all MSI numbers Need status Cards or Picture ID to get on Plane.
Fund Raising Toll Booth- Feb 12 Spaghetti Dinner-March 4 Silent Auction /Bake Sale Thursday March 24 Home sick –we can call home in the evening and numbers will be provided