The Importance of Ankle Strength Related to basketball By: Anthony Alexander The Importance of Ankle Strength Related to basketball
Athletes Elite athletes often make explosive movements look easy. However, one weak band can upset even the most powerful athlete. For basketball players, ankles are often the weak link, being very prone to injury.
Most Injured NBA Players A total of 1094 players appeared in the injury database 3843 times in the 2015 - 2016 basketball season. The NBA has a injury rate of 44.6% per player .Here are the injuries rate for every injury: The highest injuries in the NBA is Lateral Ankle Sprains - 13.2% ( 1685 times)
What is an Ankle Sprain? Ankle sprain is very common injury in basketball and mostly happen when players land on others foot A sprained ankle means one or more ligaments on the outer side of your ankle is stretched or torn.
What is an Ankle Sprain?(Cont.) Before we tackle ankle function, we have to effectively treat the base of support for the ankle, the foot. The foot provides a balanced and stable base for the ankle to move on. Instead of restraining your feet with shoes, braces and tape, try training barefoot to naturally build stability.
Classification of Ankle Sprain Grade I (First Degree) - The ligament damage has occurred without any significant instability developing. Grade II (Second Degree) - The ligament has been more significantly damaged, but there is no significant instability. Grade III (Third Degree) - The ligaments have been torn and instability has resulted.
Develop Ankle Strength and Balance We will focus on three key components of ankle strength and balance: developing strength in bands of the ankle; improving strength and balance through unilateral training You can perform low-impact exercises barefoot for balance and strength to improve stability and function.
To improve ankle mobility & flexibility you have to loosen the fascia and muscles in the feet by rolling a tennis ball, golf ball or lacrosse ball, applying light pressure to release tension. Make sure to message the whole foot to break down stress in the foot. Should be done for a few minutes before and after physical activity
To prevent ankle injuries, you should perform exercises like... Toe Raises Ankle band complex for flexibility and mobility Walking on Heels Toe Scrunches with a towel Balance standing one foot to balance yourself Single-Leg shooting drills Single-Leg Dorsiflexion and Plantar Flexion
Video Demonstration on how to Strengthen your Ankles
Take Care of Your ANKLES! When an athlete performs any movement such as running or jumping; the ankle and surrounding muscles are put under a great deal of stress. If the ankle musculature is strong, the athlete can withstand greater force but, if the ankle musculature is weak you are more prone to ankle sprains .
Take Care of Your ANKLES! Don’t end up like this guy
Treatment Treating an ankle sprain can be done using the R.I.C.E. treatment plan Rest : avoid using the injured area until it is evaluated by a medical professional Ice : Use ice to relieve pain and or swelling to the injured area. Compression : Apply an elastic wrap Elevation : Prop the injured area to avoid any additional swelling