1949 China falls to Communism Mao Tse-tung Leads a communist revolution over the nationalist Chaing Kai- shek.
Communist China and the Threat of Communism Soviet Union China Soviet Union China comprised 1/3 of the worlds population. balance of power between communist and non-communist powers shifts away from the U.S. towards Soviets
1950 North Korea Invades South Korea North Korean army invades South Korea. U.S. And U.N. Come to the aid of South Koreans.
1952 The Soviets explode a Hydrogen Bomb Stalin and the Soviet Union develop a hydrogen bomb heightens the anxiety the U.S. has about the cold war.
1953 Korean war ends after Stalin dies
1954 Dien Bien Phu
1957 Sputnik Soviets beat us to space when they launch their first satellite into orbit. Space Race begins
1959 Cuban Revolution
1960 The U-2 Affair
1961 Bay of Pigs
1961 Berlin Wall
1962 Cuban Missile Crisis
1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
1967 Six Day War
1968 Prague Spring
1969 SALT The first phase of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks begins in Helsinki Finland.
1972 Nixon Visits China
1975 Cambodia
1979 Afghanistan
1980 Solidarity
1983 Star Wars
1985 Gorbachev comes to Power
1987 INF Treaty
1989 Berlin Wall Falls
1991 Soviet Union Collapses