ARIES WP2 Task 2.3 Coordination, support and enhancement of training activities for accelerators in Europe Meeting:2 Rutambhara Yogi (ESS)
Reminder: Goals of task 2.3 Work-plan to achieve goals Schedule Agenda Reminder: Goals of task 2.3 Work-plan to achieve goals Schedule Work-plan for deliverables Identifying contacts Discussion ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
Reminder: Goals of Task 2.3 Monitor accelerator training provision in Europe, in a worldwide context. Promote sharing of resources and good practice in accelerator training throughout Europe. Assess the needs for, and promote, additional training activities. ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
2.3 is responsible for : To organize network meeting and workshop on Training activities in Europe in global context. To identify and promote actions for improving training activities. M24 (May 2019) Deliverable: Report on coordination of training activities, documenting ongoing and proposed activities and identifying any required additional resources to support proposed initiatives. M39 (August 2020) ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
Monitor accelerator training provision in Europe: Official approach Survey: Using ESS website (in progress) Prepare questionnaire (in progress) and contact institutes/universities etc Unofficial approach Refer to the earlier TIARA report and find out the updated status Request information from WP2 colleagues Regular meetings with task 2.3 colleagues ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
Promote sharing of resources and good practice in accelerator training: Use ARIES website: Use of ESS website: providing links Network meetings / seminars Involvement of Universities ? Any other means ? ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
Assess the needs for and promote, additional training activities: Survey – students Survey – professors / ARIES contacts (weak subject for students) Talking to University management ? ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
Deliverables for 2.3 Deliverable Report: M39 (August 2020) Schedule: Report on coordination of training activities, documenting ongoing and proposed activities and identifying any required additional resources to support proposed initiatives. Deliverable Report: M39 (August 2020) Schedule: - Final report to be submitted Aug 2020 - Complete report June 2020 - Report to be submitted to ARIES management Apr 2020 - Writing report Jan-March 2020 - Till Jan 2020 – Get input ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
Form working group (done) Till Dec 2017: Form working group (done) Identify institutes / universities / industry etc (Today’s meeting) Identify contacts (Today’s meeting) Decide questionnaire (In progress) Decide tools, use of ESS website (In progress) Jan 2018 – Dec 2018: Draft survey Update questionnaire / method / tool based on input Follow up using Phone-calls / e-mails etc Jan 2019 – Dec 2019: Get input (officially / unofficially) Final survey Follow up using Phone-calls / e-mails etc ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
Accelerator organisation options Country Organisation Research contact International CERN ARIES members, eg: Maurizio Vretenar ESS Rutambhara Yogi France CNRS To confer with Nicolas. CEA Roy Aleksan (ARIES) ESRF Pantaleo Raimondi Germany DESY Reinhard Brinkmann GSI Jens Stadlmann (ARIES) KIT Anke-Susanne Mueller (ARIES) Italy INFN To investigate. Elettra Gerardo D'Auria Spain ALBA Francis Pérez Switzerland PSI Mike Seidel (ARIES) United Kingdom STFC To investigate -> Several ARIES members Courtesy: Jennifer Toes ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
University options Courtesy: Jennifer Toes Country Organisation Research contact Denmark Aarhus University Søren Pape Møller (ARIES) France Université Paris-Sud Brigitte Cros (ARIES) Germany TU Darmstadt Thomas Weiland Italy University of Bologna Giorgio Turchetti Latvia Riga Technical University Talis Juhna Malta University of Malta Nicholas Sammut (ARIES) Poland Warsaw University of Technology Ryszard Romaniuk (ARIES), Slawomir Wronka Spain Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Manel Sabés Sweden University of Uppsala Roger Ruber (ARIES) Switzerland University of Geneva Carmine Senatore United Kingdom University of Liverpool Carsten Welsch University of Huddlefield Rob Edgecock (ARIES) Courtesy: Jennifer Toes ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
Students: To talk to Universities / our contacts ? May be Ambassadors of different courses ? ARIES task 2.3: Meeting 2
Thank you!