Q-Focus: Inquiry Launch Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible is a canonical text because it depicts distinctly American themes and conflicts.
Q-Focus: Inquiry Launch Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible is a canonical text because it depicts distinctly American themes and conflicts. Step 1: Generate as many questions based on our Q.Focus, as you can without stopping to judge or answer questions.
Q-Focus: Inquiry Launch Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible is a canonical text because it depicts distinctly American themes and conflicts. Step 2. Share you questions with your POD. Write them out.
Q-Focus: Inquiry Launch Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible is a canonical text because it depicts distinctly American themes and conflicts. Step 3. Distinguish the difference between open and closed ended questions. Mark open ended questions with O and closed ended questions with X. Turn closed-ended question into open ended questions. Turn Open Ended Questions into closed ended questions.
Q-Focus: Inquiry Launch Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible is a canonical text because it depicts distinctly American themes and conflicts. Step 4. Prioritize your questions. Choose three that you most want to research. Turn them in on Google Classroom.