Vinod Kumar Sharma Vinod Kumar Sharma Principal Technical Officer/Program Coordinator in PG-Diploma program of Electronics at CDAC Noida, Ministry of Electronics and information technology Govt. of India. My area of interest is VLSI design. My TOPIC IS VHDL HDL
TOPIC : Digital VLSI Design Vinod Kumar Sharma TOPIC : Digital VLSI Design COURSE : VHDL HDL Electronics PG-Diploma Students AFFILIATION (CDAC )
Out-of-class Activity Design -1 Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity At the end of watching the videos student will be able to Describe the design concept of digital design unit. Explain types of design unit, interface and the complete structure. (Understand Level) Simplify Logic Circuits modelling with all design aspects using different modelling styles (Apply Level) Key Concept(s) to be covered Entity and interfaces Architectures and modelling HDL Expression
Out-of-class Activity Design - 2 Main Video Source URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HghM52LF7d8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDq8-QDXmek License of Video CC-BY-SA (reuse allowed) Mapping Concept to Video Source CONCEPT VIDEO SEGMENT DURATION (in min) Concept of VHDL and Design Units V1 - 0:00 – 6.57 6.57 V2 – 6:58 – 11:41 4.39 V3 – 11:42 – 18:57 7.32 Packages V4 – 18:58 – 20:24 2.26 Style of Modeling V5-20.25-25.56 5.29 V6 - 25:57 – 31:42 5.45 Concept of Generic Design Units V7 5.13 TOTAL DURATION 36.05 min * It is recommended to provide customized shortened URLs, as they are easier to remember for future use. ** It is recommended that total duration of video watching and activity should not be more than 1Lecture duration.
Out-of-class Activity Design - 3 Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected Duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) Simplify expression using basic design concept of HDL Q. 1) Define VHDL and types of possible design units. Q.2) Design a full adder using behavioral, data flow and structure style of modeling Q.3) Design your own package as a design Unit 15 minutes Watch V1 and then answer Q1 Watch V5and V6 then answer Q2 Watch V4 and then answer Q3. Expected activity duration 15 minutes
In-class Activity Design -1 Learning Objective(s) of In - Class Activity At the end of the class, students will be able to, Solve real-life scenario of digital design circuit using HDL concept by simplification of digital logic circuit behavior (ANALYZE Level) Implement logical circuit using IEEE standard of digital design (VHDL HDL) (ANALYZE Level) Key Concept(s) to be covered Use of HDL Expression Simplification in Real World Problem Solving. Implementation logic Circuit using IEEE standard.
In-class Activity Design -2 Active Learning activity(ies) that you plan to do Think –Pair- Share (TPS) Explain the strategy by giving details of To engage students in higher-order thinking with contents Best design strategy will be known to all students Justify why the above is an active learning strategy Used to (Analyze-Evaluate-Create)
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – Think Phase - [5 minutes] Question: Write down the best design strategies of digital design circuit to generic adder What will Instructor do: Instructor will ask above question to all students to write down their individual answer in the notebook. What will students do: Each student will write the best design strategies circuit modeling style taking an example i.e. half adder/ full adder in their notebooks b and understanding the concepts acquired from the video (V5-V7)already provided by the instructor in the previous class. Deliverable from this Phase: Steps of best design strategies individually by each student in notebook. Cont
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – Pair Phase - [15 minutes] Question: Discuss their solutions with other why your individual design strategy is best and find out the best of steps and design. What will Instructor do: Instructor will ask students to make pair with their peer and complete the above question. Teacher will listen to each pair attentively and provide help wherever required. What will students do: Each student will make pair with other. Check each other’s design strategy and will finalize the one best solution. Deliverable from this Phase: Steps of best design strategies and design individually by each pair of student in the notebook and will have achieved more clarity in the concepts
In-class Activity Design -2 TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Share Phase - [15 minutes] Question: Share their best design and design strategy to the class. What will Instructor do: Teacher will see the answers of each pair, clarify their solutions by providing pros and cons of each, and finally will show their own solution to the class and will move on!. What will students do: Each student pair will show their individual answer to the class . Deliverable from this Phase: Best design strategy will be known to all students.
In-class Activity Design -2 Justify why the above is an active learning strategy In TPS strategies, students are required to go beyond mere listening and execution of prescribed steps. They are required to think deeply about the design concept and content they were familiarized in out-of-class and do higher order thinking.
COMMUNITY BUILDING The feedback provided either through peer discussion or instructor summary will be maintain The feedback criteria define the grading in terms of best design strategy modeling and will finalize the one best design solution and methodologies. All the data base of all feedback using ICT tool will be maintain for future reference.