Chapter 5 - Explorers
This 800-year struggle was called the Reconquista, or reconquest Since the A.D. 700s, Spanish Christians battled to regain control of Spain. During that time, Spain was controlled by the Moors, an Islamic people. The Christians believed that God wanted them to drive out the Moors. The struggle ended in 1492 when Spanish Christians drove the Moors out of Granada. This 800-year struggle was called the Reconquista, or reconquest The Moors were an Islamic people who originally came from northwest Africa.
The Impact of the Spanish Defeat of the Moors on Overseas Exploration The Moors gain control of Spain. 800 years of struggle, called the Reconquista, begin as Spain fights to retake the land. Spain drives the Moors out. The defeat of the Moors inspires Spain to explore other lands. Spain funds Christopher Columbus’s overseas voyage. His success leads to the voyages of more explorers.
Columbus visited 5 of the islands in the Bahamas before reaching Cuba. To this day we still don’t know exactly which one he landed on first. The most common belief is that he landed first at San Salvador.
Columbus Monument- San Salvador Island
Cortes lands at Veracruz in 1519. By 1521 he conquered the Aztecs by attacking and defeating their capital city of Tenochtitlan.
Ancient Aztec Capital - Tenochtitlan
Tenochtitlan Ruins Today
Pineda First person to map the gulf coast.
First map of Gulf Coast – Made by Pineda in 1519
Cabeza de Vaca One of four survivors of the 1527 Narváez expedition
After 8 years of traveling around the American Southwest Cabeza de Vaca returned to Spain in 1537 where he wrote a detailed account of his travels in a book called Relacion.
Coronado set out to find the 7 Cities of Gold or Cibola
Discovered Black Gold in East Texas Moscoso Spanish explorer who assumed command after Desoto’s death and was the first to explore East Texas Discovered Black Gold in East Texas
Onate Quivira is also known as Cibola Looked for the gold that Coronado failed to find. Gave El Paso it’s name. Married Hernán Cortés granddaughter.
LaSalle Claimed Louisiana for France Established Fort St. Louis in Texas Fort later attacked and destroyed by Karankawas