The Redesigned SAT Dr. Bob Mann Much information from Bill Trapp and College Board With previous help from Julie Herek The “main” site: test
Navigation notes Inside the test: For educators tab on top to access implementation guide, PD modules, score conversions and information on all tests: SAT; PSAT 8-9; PSAT 10 K-12 educators on bottom left to access Jump Start and other resources MATH test and Key Concept Features for overview of big ideas Notice COMPARE tabs on left side PRACTICE for sample questions, an app., Khan academy links, and 7 full practice tests with keys On Khan Academy, goto Current Skill Levels, MATH, to see breakdown of question types (these are quizzes on skills; there are also practice tests)
The “new” SAT and Illinois The redesigned SAT was first available in March of 2016 Starting in April of 2017, all juniors in Illinois are required to take this new SAT. ISBE and SAT: Dates for 2018: April 10 Initial Test Date April 24 Make-up Test Date April 10 to April 24 Accommodated Test Window Paper/Pencil format and digital (??) available for 2018 A DESMOS version allowed on digital
Compare Old SAT to New SAT: test/compare-old-new-specifications SAT to ACT: test/compare-new-sat-act
College Readiness 22 510 530 Benchmark
Some SAT goals Learning Not Memorizing Connections to classroom learning and experience Reading Portion example---reading within context Connections to real world applications and analysis The football problem for example Science and social science connections Free resources for practice and review—more accessibility The Mathematics Practices are incorporated
Beyond Assessment: Delivering Opportunity THE CLASS OF 2015 AND THE SAT COLLEGE AND CAREER READINESS BENCHMARK 41.9% of SAT takers met the benchmark 16.1% of African American SAT takers met the benchmark 22.7% of Hispanic SAT takers met the benchmark 32.7% of Native American SAT takers met the benchmark Less than half of the students who take the SAT® are college ready. When we look at underserved populations, the numbers are even worse.
Eight Key Changes
About the Redesigned SAT® 200-800 points Evidence-Based Reading and Writing 200-800 points 200-800 points Math Essay (separate scores) 3 Hours 50 Minutes
Math Test Specifications Overall: 58 questions over 80 minutes The non-calculator part is 15 MC and then 5 SPRs and is taken first in a 25 minute setting Short break The Calculator portion is 30 MCs and 8 SPRs and is taken in a 55 minute setting Some parts of either test contain several questions over 1 scenario On each portion, the questions progress from easiest to most difficult No Penalty for Guessing
Student Produced Responses---SPRs
Reference Sheet
SAT® Math Test: Features Multiple item types Focus on what matters in college/career readiness Calculator/No calculator sections Focus on application, conceptual understanding, and procedural skill and fluency Rich application contexts: Social studies Science Careers Item sets Multistep problems
SAT® Scores and Subscores
K12 Educator Resources
Redesigned SAT Teacher Implementation Guide Modularized PDFs available online Purpose: Explain to teachers and curriculum specialists the reasoning and goals behind the redesign of the SAT Describe the structure and content of the redesigned SAT and the eight key changes to the assessment Provide practical, actionable, classroom-related information to help teachers work with students to prepare for SAT The Teacher Implementation Guide is currently available online at
Professional Development Modules A set of resources that allows the user to deliver a professional development presentation to a variety of audiences Each module includes: A PowerPoint Presentation A Facilitator’s Guide Introduction Table of Contents Presentation Suggestions for Time Allotted Suggested Discussion Points Handouts Available at
Professional Development Module Titles Key Features Using Scores and Reporting to Inform Instruction Words in Context and Command of Evidence Connecting History/Social Studies Instruction with the SAT Suite of Assessments Expression of Ideas and Standard English Conventions Connecting Science Instruction with the SAT Suite of Assessments Heart of Algebra and Problem Solving and Data Analysis The SAT Essay Passport to Advanced Math And Additional Topics Supporting Student Success with Official SAT Practice 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10
Navigation notes Inside the test: Use educators tab on top to access implementation guide, PD modules, score conversions and information on all tests: SAT; PSAT 8-9; PSAT 10 K-12 educators on bottom left to access Jump Start and other resources MATH test and Key Concept Features for overview of big ideas Notice COMPARE tabs on left side PRACTICE for sample questions, an app., Khan academy links, and 7 full practice tests with keys On Khan Academy, goto Current Skill Levels, MATH, to see breakdown of question types (these are quizzes on skills; there are also practice tests)
Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy
More Heart of Algebra:
More Problem Solving and Data Analysis
More Passport to Advanced Math
More Passport to Advanced Math
More Additional Topics
Students Answer the Call 2.4 million unique users 800,000 linked accounts 10% drop in paid-for commercial test prep resources "If you don’t have money to pay for a class, you’re usually just stuck buying a book or you’re on your own mostly, so this time it was really helpful that they had unlimited resources basically for anyone.” – Maia, Washington, DC
Personalized SAT® Practice Through Khan Academy
1 2 3 Why Link Accounts? Create Personalized Practice Through Khan Academy Ensure Future Scores Are Included For Enhanced Personalization Jump Right Into Customized Practice 1 2 3
Steps to Link College Board and Khan Academy Accounts Log into Khan Academy account When prompted, agree to link accounts Sign in to College Board account When prompted, click “send” to authorize Start Official SAT Practice through Khan Academy
Daily Practice for the New SAT® Daily SAT practice questions Instant practice test scoring The SAT Daily Practice App is available in through the App Store or via Google play for android users.
Khan Academy Resources Go to for resources about Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy. View sample study plans and study-group ideas at Student resources for the SAT and PSAT-related assessments are at Instructional videos on Khan Academy at
Resources for practice: 8 full practice tests from SAT practice-tests 48 sample math questions from SAT Khan academy = SAT test specifications specifications-redesigned-sat-1.pdf SAT study guide test/study-guide-students JUMP start SAT practice: instruction/practice-resources
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