Introduction to Design Main harness Etc. (add More labels) Nosecone Main parachute Coupler/ av-bay Not shown: video camera (in external camera pod), tracking radio beeper (inside nosecone), av-bay internal details, … Note: May need to add dummy weights to nosecone to increase static margin. Diameter: 4 in Total length: 56 in Total weight (with I-140 motor): 72 oz
Construction Timeline By Thursday, June 22: OpenRocket design decisions, deliver PDR in class, build rocket cradle, modify nosecone (add eyebolt), collect more parts By Friday, June 23: CAD and fabricate all wooden parts and G10 fins, cut airframe to length, cut/borrow recovery harness (2 sections) Monday, June 25: cut fin slots, sand parts, prepare centering rings, epoxy upper centering ring (first to mmt then, once dry, inside airframe) Tuesday, June 26: begin epoxy of external fin fillets (might take 2 days), assemble av-bay structure), study av-bay wiring (details given in class) Wednesday, June 27: when all external epoxy fillets are dry add internal epoxy fillets (all at once), lower rail button, and lower centering ring Thursday, June 28: completely wire av-bay, finish recovery harness and flame protectors, make wood block for camera pod Friday, June 29 (and weekend if need be): catch up on construction if behind Wednesday, July 5: appointment with Prof. Flaten to “check-in” with finished (unpainted) rocket, add rivets and shear pins, work on FRR slides Thursday, July 6: deliver FRR in class, test avionics and do ejection charge test Friday, July 7: paint rocket – will need to let paint dry between coats (if any)