Warp preparation for Weaving and Basic Operation of Weaving By Engr. Muhammad Irfan Siyal
Yarn Preparation For Weaving Yarn preparation involves those processes that improve the yarn's weave ability. Preparation Requirements for Weaving Yarns Warp Yarns Yarns must be aligned properly. Yarn strength and smoothness must be increased. Yarn hairiness and friction must be decreased. Yarns must be on suitable packages for further processing.
Flow chart of Yarn preparation
Winding Materials Processed Input - Yarn (spinning bobbins) Output - Yarn (large cones, tubes, etc.) Objectives of the Process · Inspect the yarn · Clearing of defects · Lubricate the yarn · Package the yarn
Cone and Cheese Winding
Warping An operation where yarn is transferred from single packages of yarn to an even sheet of yarn representing hundreds of ends and then wound onto a warp beam. Producing An Even And Uniform Sheet Of Warp Yarn. The packages in the warper creel must be uniform in density, size, and wind configuration.
Warping Machines
Slashing or Sizing Objectives Strengthen the yarn Make outer surface of yarn smoother Lubricate the yarn Have no effect on subsequent processes or resulting fabric
Sizing Components
Drawing-In Provides each warp yarn with its drop wire, heddle, and reed dent. Tying-In When mass producing the same fabric by simply typing each end of a new beam to its corresponding end of the old beam
Drying-Inn or Tying In
Basic Weaving operations The basic weaving operation includes : Shedding : The harness can be raised or lowered which has the warp yarns by means of heddles to form the shed. The filling yarns pass from one side of the loom to the other through the openings of the warp yarns. Picking : The filling yarns are carried by the shuttle across the shed, laying the filling in position. Beating consists of evenly packing the filling yams into position in the fabric with the reed.
Secondary motions Taking up involves the taking up of the newly made fabric on the cloth beam and Letting off involves releasing thread from the warp beam for the weaving operation.
References Yarn Preparation For Weaving And Knitting, Source : http://www.cottonyarnmarket.net/ http://onlinetestnow.com/samacheer/11th/Vocational%20Stream%20Books/Textiles%20and%20Dress%20Designing/StdXI-Voc-Textiles-EM.pdf http://www.teonline.com/knowledge-centre/fabric-construction.html http://www.teonline.com/knowledge-centre/weaving.html