Introduction/Problem Fit On The GO Erin Kirkbride Rowan University: Health Promotion and Wellness Management Obesity is linked to type 2 diabetes, heart disease (America’s leading cause of death), stroke, high blood pressure, certain types of cancers (second leading cause of death in America), and osteoarthritis (Fyrar & Ogden 2012). According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDKD), from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, more than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight or obese (Fryar & Ogden, 2012). Although we are making efforts to change this, the obesity rate in America is still growing. We need to educate employees on how to live a healthy lifestyle by teaching proper nutrition and efficient ways of working out. I believe that this is the solution to the problem. What I am looking to do here is provide the employees at this facility with exercises they can do on the job. Also provide them with different nutrition tips to better their eating habits such as, portion sizes, the food exchange system, and how to read food labels. Lifestyle Survey (needs assessment) Pretest Survey – see what they already know Information Packets - given during their lunch break and each exercise was demonstrated, as well as the nutritional information. Exercise & Daily Food Logs– employees record their progress and compare to their first log at the end of the program. Posttest Survey – see what they’ve learned and compare results. This program proved to be beneficial to most of these employees’ lives. This program was different than most because the employees were to perform these tasks on their own time, so the results are based on the honesty of the employees. Looking at the End Evaluation, 60% of the employees answered Yes to all of the opinion questions. I thought this was impressive considering the issue here was that the employees stated they had no time to practice good health. I was very proud to see the results of the individuals that participated. GOAL 1: Employees will learn different exercises that are suitable to be done at work and fit to their lifestyle. GOAL 2: Employees will learn about different nutrition tips to better their everyday diet. GOAL 3: Improve overall Quality of Life Introduction/Problem Methods Goals & Objectives Conclusion Adult Obesity Facts. (2015, September 21). Retrieved June 2016, from Overweight and Obesity Statistics. (2012, October). Retrieved June 2016, from References Results WHO?: 2 ware house workers, 3 drivers, 5 office workers. Ages 20-60. WHAT?: A two month exercise and nutrition program that will be evaluated through process and impact objectives. WHEN?: October 3 - December 2, 2016 WHERE?: Honor Refreshment Services, Woodbury, NJ WHY?: To prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, by educating the employees about good nutrition habits, and easy to do workout that can be done in the office or at home. Program Description