Research and Development Year in Review v
Associate Dean for Research Susan A. Bloomfield, Ph.D. Dr. Bloomfield joined the faculty in Health & Kinesiology in 1993 and assumed the Associate Dean position in July 2016.
Research Development Officer Pre Award Services Jesús Palomo Research Development Officer Amy Jurica Hinnant Outreach Coordinator Windy Hollis Turner Assistant Director
Business Administrator Post Award Services Clayton Holle Business Administrator Adriana Burnett Business Coordinator Mary Seifert Business Coordinator Pam Parks Business Coordinator
New Award Totals $30.8 M $17.3 M 2016 2017 Dr. Kay Wijekumar (TLAC) – Multiple grants from USDE-IES
Notable New Awards Rafael Lara-Alecio, PI (EPSY) Literacy-Infused Science Using Technology Innovation Opportunity (LISTO), a 5-Year Longitudinal Validation Project US Department of Education (Federal) 01/01/2017 - 12/31/2021 Total Funding: $12,000,000 Jean Madsen, PI (EAHR) Strategies for School Improvement and Inclusion in Schools with Demographically Diverse Students Kellogg Foundation (Private) 03/01/2017 - 02/28/2020 Total Funding: $1,493,754
Notable New Awards Noboru Matsuda, PI (TLAC) Exploratory Study on the Adaptive Online Course and its Implication on Synergetic Competency NSF (Federal) 09/01/2016 - 08/31/2018 Total Funding: $566,000 Kelly Wilson, PI (HLKN) Integrating Teen Pregnancy Prevention Innovative Practices (iTIP) US DHHS—Office of Adolescent Health 06/01/2016 - 05/31/2018 Total Funding: $1,500,00
Annual Research Expenditures $24,477,154 $20,250,760 Dr. Mary Alfred (EAHR) – TCALL Funding from Texas Workforce Commission
Proposals Submitted 192 174 2016 2017 Dr. Whitney Garney (HLKN) – PI with funding from American Heart Association and Texas Department of State Health Services
Outreach Services Amy Hinnant with Dan Rather at TX Administrators & Supervisors Mid-Winter Conference, Austin –Jan 2017
Regular newsletters to share information, hot topics, and CERD ACTIVITIES 2017 Regular newsletters to share information, hot topics, and good news
Interdisciplinary Teams were awarded CERD ACTIVITIES 2017 Catapult 2017 Funding to support the development of research, teaching or outreach focused projects that directly address the Quality of Life Transformational Impact Area Interdisciplinary Teams were awarded $265,000
Faculty, Staff, and Students CERD ACTIVITIES 2017 Two STATA Workshops Attended by 60 Faculty, Staff, and Students Data Analysis and Statistical Software
Pre Award Team presented two CERD ACTIVITIES 2017 Pre Award Team presented two Tips and Tricks of Budget Development Workshops
Grand Opening of the Human Clinical Research Facility (HCRF) April 11, 2017 Housing the Center for Translational Research in Aging and Longevity (CTRAL) and the Exercise & Sports Nutrition Lab (ESNL)
# of Current Project Accounts 436 Dr. Oi-Man Kwok (EPSY) – Co-PI on Federal and State Projects, as well one of our Representatives to the University CPI
Proposed CERD Initiatives for 2018 US Dept. of Education Mock Review Panel-- invite DOE program officer Grant writing groups Support for external friendly reviews of grant applications Revised Catapult program: supporting junior faculty and interdisciplinary research Dr. Beverly Irby (EAHR) – Co-PI on Five USDE Projects
Survey We want your feedback! COMING SOON watch your email in the next few days for a survey to rate your experience using the CERD Office and to collect your ideas for the future.
Your Associate Dean wants to hear your feedback! I would love to hear what’s on your mind. Please work with me to fix anything that is not working well. Let’s create together strategic plans for supporting our research faculty and making CEHD a nexus of research productivity and thought leaders in the nation and world.