Language Leader FOCI VIII- İZMİR EKONOMİ UNIVERSITY Handan Bilir İstanbul Şehir University SEPP- Şehir English Preparatory Program)
In a nutshell… Why we chose LL How we use it- Program philosophy Course book innovation How we ensure the book is used in line with the program philosophy
Why this book? What are our needs? What are our goals?
What are our students’ needs? Students learn English so as to pursue their academic studies in their faculties. English medium university Students need to acquire the level of English and academic skills (preferably in one academic year). Most students are of poor English backgrounds. They start the program as A1 and A2. (one academic year? )
How can we help students and ourselves in the best way possible? Focusing on academic English and academic skills Integrating the skills in the program Making the program student-centered Keeping a theme-based approach both in instruction and assessment Benefiting from the educational technology Involving alternative assessment tools besides the paper-pen exams
What kind of a course book would serve us the most? Academic academic language academic skills Integrated skills Thematic focus on a language point, read, listen, speak, and write under the same theme Technology integration Our philosophy_ No CB is an end in itself. They are just tools to reach our educational goals and objectives.
Language Leader Using LL in the first three levels (low levels) since the start Enjoying its technological and thematic aspects both in instruction and assessment of learning Students have group discussions, make oral presentations, do video projects and write in the academic themes studied in LL.
Example assessment task
Another example
Language Leader
Language Leader We… supplement the book with extra materials and reading and listening/note taking books and booklets somewhat neglect general English
An example of how we exploit LL Cheat sheet- Students can prepare a cheat sheet bring it to class when they write the first draft of their process writing task. Only small notes and lexical groups are allowed on this sheet. No sentences!
Aims- Cheat sheet We’d like to encourage students to… use the concepts and ideas through the themes; use the language they study meaningfully and productively; recognize the learning value in an assessment tool.
Another example… SEPP Corpus Project
How do we ensure the book is used this way? Workshops:
How else do we ensure the book is used this way? Observations
for listening