TRONDHEIM AIRPORT ROUTES 2015 Connecting Europe to a region in growth Dette er historien om en region i vekst og flyplassen som ikke bare betjener vekstområdet, men bidrar til næringsutvikling og vekst gjennom offensivest. Infrastruktur og næringsutvikling henger sammen – det ene kan ikke vente på det andre, her tar Trondheim Lufthavn Værnes også et ansvar og tilbyr infrastruktur for vekst – i forkant av utviklingen.
A GROWING REGION DESERVES AN AIRPORT IN OFFENSIVE GROWTH Trondheim Airport Værnes, is an airport not just adapting to growth – but creating it
WHY A PRESENCE AT TRD WOULD MAKE SENSE FOR CZECH AIRLINES A present underserved potential Low risk with a stable business community Sustainable long-term growth in a variety of major fields Trondheim Airport will actively contribute to create succesful route expansions
About Avinor
AVINOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLANNING, DEVELOPING AND OPERATING THE NORWEGIAN AIRPORT NETWORK. Avinor operates 46 airports in Norway Operations also include air traffic control towers, control centres and technical infrastructure for aircraft navigation. Avinor was established as a limited company, 100% owned by the state.
50 MILLION 3300 800 000 AVINOR IN NUMBERS Passengers travel through avinor’s airports 3300 Employees 800 000 Aircraft movements per year
About TRD
INVESTING FOR GROWTH Building the airport - Terminal expansion 2013 - New terminal development 2022 Growing market; 2014: 4,4 mill pax 2017: 5 mill pax Fourth largest airport in Norway
LOW RISK AND GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: 20 out of 23 direct services 2003-2014 are still operating. 2
About the region
CATCHMENT AREA OF 520 000 PEOPLE Frequent Flyers: Norwegians can claim a world leading 10 flights per capita!
A stable business community Sustainable long-term growth in a variety of major fields «Capital of technology» Renewable energy, oil and gas Aqua culture Industry: Construction, Ships Billion investments over several years – continuous growth
AN EXCITING DESTINATION Major expansion and investments in the region’s MICE capacity A tourist industry with international attention: Pilgrimage, world-class historical attractions, beautiful unspoilt nature and a vibrant society
START-UP ASSISTANCE FOR ALL AIRLINES STARTING UP NEW ROUTES: Year 1: Up to 100% Year 2: Up to 75% Year 3: Up to 50% Take-off charges Year 1: 40% Year 2: Up to 30% Year 3: Up to 20% Passenger charges 50% costs Marketing assistance: Note : Current Start-up assistance/ Incentives for 2015. Incentives for 2016 is yet to be decided.
COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING Route-communication Newspapers digital Search engines Video marketing Monitors at Airport Network Members of Trondheim Chamber of Commerce TRD Newsletter Visit Norway Incoming Support for marketing campaigns for incoming market to Norway Facebook: News, Competitions Events at the airport: Opening/ Expansions
WHY AN EXPANDED PRESENCE AT TRD WOULD MAKE SENSE FOR CZECH AIRLINES A present underserved potential Low risk with a stable business community Sustainable long-term growth in a variety of major fields Trondheim Airport will actively contribute to create succesful route expansions