State of the Mainframe 2010 This isn’t your Dad’s mainframe…
State of the Mainframe Today’s Agenda Present results of InfoSec’s Annual Mainframe Survey Analyze and offer insight on results Respond to questions from audience Hello everyone and welcome to our web education event. Thanks for joining us. Today we are going to review and analyze the results from InfoSec’s Annual State of the Mainframe Survey. We’d like this event to be interactive so if you have questions please use the console in the webinar interface to submit them. We will get to them at the end of the formal presentation. Let’s get to the Survey. 2
State of the Mainframe A little bit about InfoSec Almost exclusively a mainframe platform services and technology company Been in business since 1998 Mainframe security is our major niche Provide services and software to some of the biggest household name clients in the world We live and breathe mainframes every day Visit us at Let’s get into the detail. 3
The mainframe is alive and well!! State of the Mainframe Survey Results Headline The mainframe is alive and well!! The respondents to our annual mainframe survey included organizations of all sizes and industries using one or two mainframes to over 30 and the message we received was overwhelming: mainframe usage is alive and well and growing. The survey was designed to uncover how many mainframes were in use, what features were the most prevalent and what were the growth and future plans. Let’s get into the detail. They don’t make ‘em like this anymore!! 4
State of the Mainframe How many mainframes are currently in your infrastructure? 82% said 1-5 12% said 6-10 6% said 10+ Average: 2.75 The first question asked about the number of MFs in the infrastructure. 5
State of the Mainframe 2. Is this an increase or decrease in the number of mainframes from two years ago? 77% said equal 23% said increase So what is the trend – are mainframe installations growing or declining? 6
State of the Mainframe 3. How many MIPS on your floor today? 29% said < 500 18% said 500 – 1000 12% said 1000-5000 6% said >5000 Average: 2820.5 Next we asked about MIPS 7
State of the Mainframe Is this an increase or decrease in the number of MIPS from two years ago? 35% said increase 12% said decrease 24% said same 29% said I don’t know When we look at the results of the next question – whether MIPS have increased or decreased it starts to get interesting 8
State of the Mainframe Is your mainframe budget increasing or decreasing? 35% said increase 35% said decrease 18% said same 12% said I don’t know We’ve had a very tough economy and we’ve all heard horror stories about devastating budget cuts. What’s happening in MF shops? 9
State of the Mainframe Is the staffing level for your mainframes increasing, decreasing or remaining the same? 24% said increase 35% said decrease 35% said same 6% said I don’t know The results to the next question are not surprising. For those who have had to cut staff it is in many cases purely a budget issue. 10
State of the Mainframe Are you using z/Linux for production applications? 72% said no 14% said yes 14% said I don’t know The response to this question really shows the difference between the large transaction processors and small ones. The big guys are embracing Linux. 11
State of the Mainframe Do you use zIIP/zAAP processors to offload production workload? 59% said no 23% said yes 18% said I don’t know A surprising number of survey respondents are not taking advantage of specialty processors. 12
State of the Mainframe Which mainframe security do you use? CA-TSS, CA-ACF2, IBM-RACF 47% said IBM –RACF 47% said CA-Top Secret 18% said CA-ACF2 6% said in-house First a word about these numbers. Some shops run multiple security products so the numbers are skewed. 13
State of the Mainframe What are the top three challenges related to your mainframe environment today enterprise level skills, security admin, ISV Costs stupidity, ignorance, dot net... but then I repeat myself staffing, costs, growth managing workloads, knowledge base of admins, isv cost regulations, User entitlements, data access development staffing, controlling costs, keeping the service viable as applications are moved to smaller platforms staffing (management heading in wrong direction) systems Admin non-support from administration file security, Admin, staffing maintenance costs, training and support, bias against mainframe preventing growth reducing costs, remaining current We asked about the biggest challenges MF shops are facing and some of the responses are displayed 14
State of the Mainframe Will the mainframe be a critical part of your company’s infrastructure in five years? 76% said yes 18% said no 6% said I don’t know ¾ of our respondents say the MF is part of their long term plans. 15
State of the Mainframe In summary, the consensus is – Onward and Upward! With the average number of mainframes and MIPS reported as increasing, it looks like the state of the mainframe is still very strong! What else does this survey tell us? That functional know-how is a challenge for most That cost management play a big role in the day-to-day process And that these challenges are here to stay since 76% of companies reporting said they plan to keep their mainframes in use What are the key takeaways from our Annual Mainframe Survey? Thanks for your participation. Now let’s get to your questions. 16
State of the Mainframe 17