What did the survey show in terms of accessibility? Student have good internet connection Reason for that can be because most students use the internet to study,do their assignment,homeworks and entertain themselves
Did all the students surveyed have access to the internet outside campus? Not all the students have internet access outside campus . 10% do not have internet access to outside campus. 17% have internet access all the time even outside campus. 73% of the student have internet access outside campus but not all the time.
What are the most common means of access? Most kids use the WiFi. Same kids use cellphone to access the internet And 27% of the kids go to campus and internet cafe
Why do you think this is the case? Most people use WiFi reason being that data is really expensive and it is really convenient to just get WiFi which is much cheaper and faster.
Did socio-economic factors play a role in your findings? Yes it did
Did everyone have the some level of skills in using technology? Not many of the kids use tablets mostly what they use is cellphone and laptop.
Was there s correlation between the level of access available and skills? Yes there was a correlation between the level of access available and skills.