Cell Division Review Game Jeopardy Cell Division Review Game
Cell Division Review Game Vocab-ulary Mitosis Chromo-somes Meiosis Concepts $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000
What is continuing cycle of cell growth and replication called? $200 What is continuing cycle of cell growth and replication called? The cell cycle Return
$400 What are body cells that have a diploid copy of DNA called ? Somatic cells Return
Gametes What are haploid cells used for sexual reproduction called? $600 What are haploid cells used for sexual reproduction called? Gametes Return
$800 What are homologous chromosomes that have four chromatids in total called? Tetras Return
What happens during crossing over? $1000 What happens during crossing over? The crossing over of part of a chromosome onto a similar type of chromosome (homologous chromosome “cousin”. It increases genetic variation Return
Why do multicellular organisms do mitosis? $200 Why do multicellular organisms do mitosis? For growth, development and repair Return
What is produced at the end of Mitosis? $400 What is produced at the end of Mitosis? Two genetically identical somatic cells (body cells), clones of the original cell Return
List the correct sequence of the phases of mitosis $600 List the correct sequence of the phases of mitosis Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase (PlaceMAT) Return
Describe what must happen in interphase before mitosis can occur $800 Describe what must happen in interphase before mitosis can occur G1-Cell grows (more organelles and proteins made); S phase - DNA a copied; G2 - Cellular molecules and structures used in cellular division are copied and prepared for use Return
$1000 Describe one important event from each phase of mitosis. Prophase: chromatidchromomosomes, nuclear envelope dissolves, spindles form Metaphase: chromosomes at cell equator Anaphase: sister chromatids pulled apart Telophase: chromosomeschromatid, two new nuclear envelopes appear Return
46 23 $200 How many chromosomes are in a human diploid cell? How many chromosomes are in a human haploid cell? 23 Return
$400 What structure does spindle fibers grab onto to move and then separate chromosomes? centromeres Return
DNA in it’s loose, working, “tin can” form. $600 What is chromatin? DNA in it’s loose, working, “tin can” form. Return
What are the two halves of a chromosome called? $800 What are the two halves of a chromosome called? Chromatids (Sister chromatids) Return
What are homologous chromosomes? $1000 What are homologous chromosomes? Chromosomes that contain the same genes. You get one from each parent, so they are “cousin chromosomes” Return
What is made at the end of meiosis? $200 What is made at the end of meiosis? Four genetically different haploid gametes (eggs or sperm) Return
Late Prophase I or Early Metaphase of Meiosis I $400 Which stage of meiosis does crossing over occur in? Late Prophase I or Early Metaphase of Meiosis I Return
$600 After which phase of meiosis are chromosome number reduced by half? Meiosis I (technically in Anaphase I when the homologous “cousin” chromosomes are pulled apart) Return
$800 What is gametogenesis and what does it produce? Gametes (eggs or sperm) Return
$1000 Name three differences between mitosis and meiosis Mitosis: one cell division makes two genetically identical diploid somatic cells, used for growth, development & repair, sister chromatids separated Meiosis: two cell divisions makes 4 genetically different haploid gametes, crossing over happens, homologous “cousin” chromosomes are separated Return
Why do cells do mitosis? Why can’t they just get big? $200 Why do cells do mitosis? Why can’t they just get big? Cells that are too large could not get nutrients into the cell’s center or waste products out fast enough so large cells would die Return
What is different about a cancer cell? $400 What is different about a cancer cell? They have uncontrolled cell growth Return
$600 What type of chromosomes determine the sex of an organism? Which of these do normal males have? Normal females? Sex chromosomes Males = XY Females = XX Return
$800 Late Prophase or Early Metaphase of Meiosis I When do homologous chromosomes form tetrads? Late Prophase or Early Metaphase of Meiosis I Return
$1000 Asexual reproduction (Binary Fission) Prokaryotic bacterial cells reproduce by dividing in half and making exact copies of itself (clones) through the process of Asexual reproduction (Binary Fission) Return
$200 Examples of these are amounts of water & light present, weather & types of soil conditions Abiotic or nonliving parts of the environments Return
$400 What is the movement of water between Earth’s surface & its atmosphere called? The water cycle Return
Carbon, they are all part of the carbon cycle $600 Burning fossil fuels, photosynthesis & rotting life all have what element in common? Carbon, they are all part of the carbon cycle Return
$800 These are the non-living remains of life from an earlier time Fossils Return
5th question, 6th category 5th answer, 6th category $1000 5th question, 6th category 5th answer, 6th category Return