Analysing 3 opening title sequences By Rhys Funnell
Silence of the lambs: narrative and character introduction The costume (FBI) tells us that this will be a crime based film and that there will be some kind of investigation. During the opening title sequence we are introduced to the protagonist: the main character (Agent Starling played by Jodie Foster) is seen to be very strong mentally and physically as in the opening scene she is running an obstacle course.
Mise-en-scene Setting: A isolated forest area which suggests danger due to it’s remoteness Costume: an FBI sweatshirt tells us Agent Starling’s job Props – An assault corner climbing wall tells us that she is disciplined. Lighting: de-saturated and low key lighting which is typical of the genre as it suggests that the world is a depressing place. Performance: Agent Starling is running alone which suggests that she is an independent character, possibly a loner. This is typical of the genre (flawed protagonist).
Technical Aspects Camerawork Editing & Sound The first time we see Agent Starling (Jodie Foster) is in a long shot and the fact that we can’t really see who she is and what she looks like makes everything seem a lot more suspicious. In the majority of the shots you only see her from the back still like the first shot is very suspicious because we’re not seeing much of who she is personally. The titles of the actors and actresses names are also large, bold and in the colour black. This catches the audiences eyes and even more so because of the positioning of the names because they are placed in the centre of the screen. There is also classical music played in the background which makes it sound a lot more tense and serious. The character seems
Se7en – Narrative & Character Introduction During the opening sequence of se7en we are not shown any of the characters directly but only certain parts of them. The soundtrack of se7en really effects the atmosphere created by it. The soundtrack used is very eerie and a continuous sound and through parts of it there are screeching sounds as we get further in the soundtrack becomes much louder creating a lot more tension which you can hear listening too this The titles have a strange movement to them making a jumpy feel feeling for the audience. The titles that we see are white on a black background which makes them really stand out the fonts also look like they are handwritten. The plot is not shown to us clearly in the opening title sequence and leaves us the audience to find out what is going to occur during the film as some clues are dropped in the opening title sequence.
Mise-en-scene Setting: A dark dull room you could probably call it his office almost containing all of his photographs and notes that he keeps. But the dark and dullness can be expected in the thriller genre. The setting remains unclear which adds mystery. Costume: It creates an enigma as we don’t actually get to see what the person is wearing other than a few roughed up bandages on the persons fingers from where they were cutting the top layer of skin off. His erratic behaviour suggests he is the antagonist but his character is hidden, which is typical. Props: razor blades are used to cut the layer of skin off his finger so he has no fingerprint and cant be easily tracked (typical hidden identity. There are also photographs of people being tortured in different ways. Books/diaries and a pen which he is using to write something which isn’t clearly shown which is quite typical in this genre as it is kept a mystery and leaves you thinking. Lighting: De-saturated and just very dark and dull which is something we see all the time in the thriller genre and can be expected (makes society seem depressing and dark). Performance: The person we see uses his hands and does everything very precise and to perfection and keeps everything neat this is clearly seen in the part where he is writing in the books he has and also we can tell he is very serious as he cuts off the end of his fingertips. This is typical of a Thriller antagonist who is often obsessive and highly intelligent.
Technical Aspects Camerawork Editing & Sound Much of the Camerawork is done using close ups of books, his fingers, photographs and objects such as razors and pens etc. but this is all used to create mystery as we don’t get to see who the person is facially all we get to see is a few things to show what they are like but we are left clueless of who the person actually is. The sounds we hear are quite disturbing and it really is quite eerie and it builds the suspense and tension a lot like when it shows the names there's a change in the sound. The edits are quick cuts which are mainly used to reflect the sharp sounds of the soundtrack used in the OTS. The tones used also reflect the total tone of the film and could also be used because of the sharpness of the razor that is used in the opening. The soundtrack in general is quite dark and sounds you could say evil and builds a lot of suspense and tension which goes well with the narrative of the film which is very typical of a thriller film.
Pulp Fiction - Narrative & Character Introduction The start of the opening title sequence is already very dramatic and surprising as we meet a few of the characters in the film and the characters instantly threaten with guns. The soundtrack used in the opening title sequence is very fast paced and it gives us an idea of the sub genre of action and crime as you can hear here the titles of the actors and actresses names are all placed in a central position in a bold white font which mixes with the black background. The plot isn't directly revealed so the audience will want to keep on watching because the opening title sequence has caught there attention.
Mise-en-scene Setting: The OTS is set within a café where two people (a couple) are sitting down then pull out guns and start to hold up the café/diner and you can also tell that the film is quite dated because he starts smoking and nowadays you’re not allowed to smoke in café’s/diner etc. We can also tell its just by the side of maybe a highway or a road because frequently there are passing cars in the background. Costume: Both characters are dressed casually and aren’t wearing anything too extravagant and just look like what everyone else would look like which may be used as a deceptive façade in the film to make them look like everyone else but are actually criminals. Props: The guns that they have to hold up the café/diner. The cigarette the man is smoking and many other props on the table food related like sauces and salt and pepper.
Mise-en-scene Lighting: The set is very bright which is a little different but in the sky outside the café/diner the sky looks very de-saturate, dull and gloomy etc. which is commonly seen in thriller films. It gives us a feeling as if everything is a little depressive in the world it shows that the world can be a dark place sometimes. Performance: The couple we see are just in conversation at the start like any other people in the world which makes them seem ordinary and like everyone else but the sudden change from a civil conversation to holding up the café/diner really shows their real criminal personalities and as they are holding guns it shows that they may have pre-thought about what they were going to do anyway and are actually quite smart criminals. This shot covers both the performance and the lighting as we can see the lighting in the background and this picture displays the scene where both actors are performing.
Technical Aspects Camerawork Editing & Sound Throughout the opening title sequence of ‘pulp fiction’ the camera is in almost a medium close up shot of the two and occasionally does switches to a close up of their faces which is also a shot reverse shot where the camera switches between the two people talking. This could also be used to show a few things like the medium close up for showing the sort of place they’re in but at the same time giving us a bit of information about them personally. And the close ups so we can see who they are and what they look like which could be used to see if they look like your average criminals etc. There is a lot of diegetic sound used like the other conversations that people are having in the background and it makes it seem a lot more true to real life and realistic as if other people don’t understand what is going on. Diegetic dialogue where people are speaking to one another as if it were a regular day and it yet again makes it seem so much more realistic and as if it were actually happening. Non-diegetic soundtrack – but no real soundtrack is used until the end when they pull out the guns and announce that it is in fact a robbery. XUQc Continuity editing is used in this scene where we have an establishing shot of them having a conversation we the follow the conversation using shot reverse shot so it follows both the characters as they are talking. Switches between the two characters.