Book Reviews in Destiny Tell someone about the book you read!
You could… Do a video… Write a long paper… Write a long paper… Or write a short and powerful review in Destiny Quest!
Steps to Destiny Review success Read the book Write a review in Google docs (1000 characters, about 200 words) Refer to Destiny Review rubric, double check that you have met the requirements Log on to Destiny (regular computer log in, password is your student ID number) Search title Click “Add Review” Cut and paste review from Google Docs into Destiny Quest
Destiny Quest Book Reviews: GUIDELINES Short and sweet Hook ‘em Summary plus personal NO SPOILERS! Bad reviews: OK! 1000 characters Grammatically correct and school appropriate…please.
Book Review Rubric 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points Distinguished Proficient Apprentice Novice Introduction _______ Book review “grabber” is very interesting or catchy. Book review “grabber” is mildly interesting. Book review “grabber” lacks interest. No attempt was made to catch the reader's attention. Plot Summary _______ Reviewer does a good job of leaving the reader in suspense about conflict resolutions while painting a clear, interesting portrait of the novel’s story. Reviewer offers a little too much plot summary, but paints a fair picture of what the novel is about. Reviewer offers way too much plot summary, leaving the reader little reason to read the novel. Reviewer gives away the ending. Opinion / Commentary _______ Reviewer offers his or her opinion the book’s aspects. Reviewer also writes a recommendation to readers. Reviewer offers his or her opinion on very little of the book’s aspects. Reviewer also writes a recommendation to readers. Reviewer consists of plot summary and offers no opinion of or commentary on the novel. Spelling / Mechanics No errors and stays within word limit Somewhat errorless Some errors Error-filled + 0
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