The parts of a flower.


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Presentation transcript:

The parts of a flower

What will we learn? The parts of a plant and flower. Plants produce flowers which have male and female organs. Seeds are formed when pollen from the male organ fertilises the female organ.

There are four main parts of a plant. Can you guess what they are? 1. R oots 2. S tem 3. L eaves 4. F lower

Look at this picture. flower leaves stem roots Can you label the parts of the plant?

What is the function of the root? The roots absorb water from the soil. root

What is the function of the stem? The stem helps to support the plant. stem

What is the function of the leaf? The leaves use sunlight to provide the plant with energy. leaf

What is the function of the flower? The flower helps the plant to reproduce. flower

Answer True or False: The seeds help the plant to reproduce: ___ Plants need water, hot, sunlight and nutrients from the soil to survive ___ The leaves support the plant ___ Roots absorb water and nutrients ___ The flowers help the plant to reproduce ___ Plants have 4 parts: roots, stem, leaves and flowers ___

All flowers have male and female parts carpel stamen This is the name for the FEMALE part of the flower. carpel stamen This is the name for the MALE part of the flower.

Draw a flower and name the different parts

The carpel (female part) stigma style ovary

The stamen (male part) anther filament pollen

The parts of a flower pollen stigma anther style filament ovary

stigma style ovary anther filament pollen Draw a diagram of your flower Label the following parts on your diagram… the stamen the carpel stigma style ovary anther filament pollen

Next session... We will find out more about how flowering plants reproduce. We will also find out that insects pollinate some flowers and discover how this is done!