Mrs. Wood’s Ch 7 Jeopardy
The Rules: Give each answer in the form of a question Click the answer button in the lower right of the field Click the dollar value in the lower right to return to the board Daily Double will appear on its own Final Jeopardy is the last question & both players can wager on it
Let’s Get Ready to play… Today’s Categories are:
Joints of the Body
Bone Formation
Body Movements
Bone Repair
Joints of The Body Fractures Bone Formation Body Movements Bone Repair $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 FJ $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 DD $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
The type of joint that allows for the greatest range of movement. Answer…
What are synovial joints? 100
The type of joint in the image below. Answer…
What is fibrous? 200
The type of joint found in the hip bone. Answer…
What is ball and socket? 300
The type of joint found in the image below. Answer…
What is a gliding joint? 400
The type of synovial joint found @ the elbow. Answer…
What a hinge joint? 500
This type of fracture is incomplete & found in young children. Answer…
What is Greenstick? 100
The type of fracture in the picture below. Answer…
What is a spiral fracture? 200
This type of fracture occurs @ an angle other than a right angle. Answer…
What is an oblique fracture? 300
The type of fracture in the image below. Answer…
What is a comminuted fracture? 400
The type of fracture in the image below. Answer…
What is transverse fracture? 500
This is the type of bone formation involved in making the sternum Answer…
What is intramembranous bone formation? 100
This type of bone formation usually results in the formation of long bones. Answer…
What is endochondral bone formation? 200
The model in long bone formation is made of this substance. Answer…
What is hyaline cartilage? 300
This starts to form as the model or mass breaks down during endochondral bone formation. Answer…
What is the periosteum? 400
This type of bone is formed first during endochondral bone formation. Answer…
What is spongy bone? 500
The body movement in the graphic. Answer…
What is abduction? (moving away from imaginary midline) 100
The type of body movement in the image. Answer…
What is supination? (palm up) 200
The body movement demonstrated in the graphic. Answer…
What is dorsiflexion? 300
This type of body movement forms a circular pattern in the air. Answer…
What is circumduction? 400
This movement Answer…
What is eversion? 500
This will slow down bleeding during a break or fracture. Answer…
What is a hematoma? mass of coagulated (clot, thickened) blood within tissues or a body cavity 100
These cells allow broken bone fragments to be reabsorb . Answer…
What are osteoclasts? 200
Along with spongy bone, this forms near developing blood vessels during the repair of a break. Answer…
What is fibrocartilage? (made possible by fibroblasts) 300
These cells remove the clot & dead/damaged cells during repair. Answer…
What are phagocytic cells? 400
The cartilaginous callus is eventually broken down and replaced by this. Answer…
What is a bony callus ? 500
Daily Double How much do you want to wager? Daily Double
FINAL JEOPARDY (click again)
Microscopic Bone Anatomy CATEGORY: Microscopic Bone Anatomy How much do you want to wager? Proceed…
Identify all the parts of a cross section of bone. Proceed…
Thanks for Playing… (hope you took good notes)
Credits Created by: Mrs. Wood Jeopardy sound effects used solely for the purpose of fun, entertainment, and education and NOT for profit.