St Mary’s Primary School, Hay. LTLL Mid – Point Presentation
What did we set out to do? formulate an action plan targeting our “amber lights” from our first LTLL meeting. work on our action plan revisit our action plan regularly to see if any other issues arise that need dealing with. BECOME CONFIDENT IN USING TECHNOLOGY WITHIN OUR SCHOOL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STAFF AND STUDENTS.
Focus 5: Educative Leadership Leadership for professional learning Focus 5: Educative Leadership Leadership for professional learning. - Supports team-based learning through school structures and procedures. Why? Need to move with technology. We all need to be skilled with the same information to be successful. Need to utilize the technology we have in the school and use it to its full potential. Support each other to help develop our skills and resources. Use “team-based” learning as a staff and as a small school. What have we done? Reviewed structures already in place to see if they are effective. Professional Development in: - Scootle - Atomic Learning - Promethean - World Book Online Installation of Interactive whiteboards in all classrooms. Release given to class teachers to use the school resources for planning and learning. Folder has been created on the school server for sharing of resources and lessons. All teachers are members of the LTLL Wiki to broaden their scope of learning through interacting with other schools, sharing ideas and asking advice.
Focus 6 Authentic Learner Organising for learning - Uses technology to support teaching and learning. Why? Auditing of resources is needed. Not all staff are skilled enough to fully utilise technology. Need to make better use of the technology in our school. To have PD opportunities to build on this area. What have we done? Subscriptions to Mathletics and World Book Online. Audited IT resources in the school by all staff. IT release given to all teachers. All staff are members of : -LTLL Wiki - Promethean Planet - Scootle -Atomic Learning -SMARTAustralia Children are using Microsoft Power point, Word and Photo story. Teachers are designing interesting & engaging lessons using the Interactive Whiteboards and are sharing them via the IT folder set up on the school server. Each staff has a hard copy of power points used for PD & a computer trouble shooting guide. Staff have been inserviced on Activotes they are being trialed in the Primary class.
Focus 6 Authentic Learner Standards for learning - Challenges students in all areas of their development. Why? Focus on the higher achievers of the school. Utilise technology better. Identify how IT is being used to cater for high achievers and all others students across the KLAs by looking at class programs. Review of the IT scope & sequence so it caters for all students, especially scope for the high achievers, and make sure it incorporates the use of the Interactive Whiteboards. What have we done? Teachers have focused on designing interesting and engaging lessons using their Interactive Whiteboards. Staff have been inserviced on using Activotes and they are being trialed in the Primary classes. Professional Development in: - Scootle - Atomic Learning - Promethean - World Book Online Still a work in progress with this focus.
How successful have we been? We are continuing to implement our action plan. Staff have a positive attitude towards using technology and keen to share successes, resources, ideas and lessons. Staff feel more confident to use technology after the professional development we have done. We have begun to make a great bank of resources for the whole staff to use. Professional Development opportunities have supported the staff to further develop their skills and lessons. Linking with Hillston in LTLL discussions to share ideas. We have a common vision.
Three Challenges Ensuring the computers in the school are up to speed for the new technology. Working out the best way to use technology to cater for our high achievers. Ensuring all classes have the same opportunity to engage in the technology the school has.
Three things we have learnt. Technology has so much to offer our students, our teaching program and our classroom. There is more collaboration and more talk between staff about what we are doing in our classroom. All children are engaged in lessons when using the Interactive Whiteboards.
Three questions we still have. Where to next with future planning and wiki? How much time do we have to complete our action plan? How do we know we have succeeded in implementing our plan?