Speak out. Stay safe. programme 1 Speak out. Stay safe. programme
In 2016-17 we visited 7800 schools seeing 1 In 2016-17 we visited 7800 schools seeing 1.5 million children In RBWM 56% schools taken part so far 3
Background The Speak out. Stay safe. programme was formed from the former Childline Schools Service and NSPCC Schools Fundraising teams. The need for this preventative service was recognised because: The majority of children contacting Childline are over the age of 12, but they often tell us their problems started from a much younger age. Younger children can be especially vulnerable to abuse. They may not know it is wrong or how to seek help if it happens. Materials and resources have been developed through consultation with children, teaching staff, parents, volunteers and key stakeholders. 4
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KS1 Assembly - contents Introduce Buddy Children’s rights 7 KS1 Assembly - contents Introduce Buddy Children’s rights Case story animation (Sam) Definitions of abuse Sources of help (including ChildLine) Fundraising (optional) Mobilisation Close 7
KS2 Assembly – contents Introduce our mascot Buddy Children’s rights 8 KS2 Assembly – contents Introduce our mascot Buddy Children’s rights Sack of worries Definitions of abuse Sources of help (including Childline) Contacting Childline film Case story animation (Ali) Fundraising (optional) Mobilisation Close 8
Workshop - contents Recap from assembly Recap Childline key messages 9 Workshop - contents Recap from assembly Recap Childline key messages Recap quiz Ok/Not Ok Sexual abuse definition Guy’s Story Neglect definition Speak out. Stay safe. kit Close 9
The NSPCC Schools Service
The NSPCC Schools Service Alongside our Speak out. Stay safe. programme the NSPCC has a range of information, advice and resources for schools to support them in keeping children safe. These fall under the umbrella of the NSPCC Schools Service. The following slides contain information about our key resources for schools. All schools who receive the Speak out. Stay safe. programme will also be informed about this wider offer. 11
Key resources for schools Teachers Underwear Rule resources including lesson plans FREE Share Aware including lesson plans FREE Safeguarding in Education Assessment Tool FREE Knowledge & Information service FREE Online and face to face training. From £20 NSPCC helplines 0808 800 5000 FREE Parents and carers O2 Online safety workshops for parents FREE Underwear Rule & Share Aware information FREE NSPCC Helpline FREE E Learning course : Keeping Children Safe Online. From £20
The Underwear Rule Our Underwear Rule resources are a simple way that parents and teachers can help keep children safe from sexual abuse – without using scary words or even mentioning sex. We offer simple guides for parents and children to help them to talk PANTS and learn our simple acronym (see right). We also offer free resources for teachers including a lesson plan, slide presentation, curriculum links, classroom activities and more. You can find more information on the website here. 13
Share Aware Our Share Aware resources can help teachers and parents / carers to keep children safe on social networks, apps and games. Our animations, I Saw Your Willy and Lucy and the Boy, as well as the Share Aware Guide can help parents / carers and teachers to start conversations about online safety. We also offer free teaching resources including lesson plans and classroom guidance. These can be accessed here. Net Aware Our Net Aware tool has information about the right age limit and details on privacy and safety settings for the most popular social apps and games. You can access Net Aware here. 14
Safeguarding in Education Self-Assessment Tool Our Safeguarding in Education Self-Assessment Tool (formerly ESAT) has been developed in partnership with TES. It is a free online tool for schools in England to make sure the most effective safeguarding procedures are in place. The tool enables schools to audit their current safeguarding arrangements in line with the latest statutory and recommended safeguarding practices. It also supports them to identify areas for development and make any necessary changes. Schools can register for the Safeguarding in Education Self-Assessment Tool here. 15
Knowledge and information service Our Information Service can provide quick and easy access to the latest child protection research, policy and practice for schools. We answer over a thousand enquiries every year helping professionals find the information and resources they need to keep children safe. We hold the UK’s largest collection of child protection resources in our library and schools can search our catalogue here. Schools can also contact our information specialists at help@nspcc.org.uk or by calling 0808 800 5000. 16
E-Learning We offer a variety of online child protection training courses including: Child Protection in Schools: This is an introductory online safeguarding training for anyone working in schools or colleges. This training course gives staff a clear understanding of how to recognise, report and record concerns about a child’s welfare. Cost: from £20. Keeping Children Safe Online: This course is appropriate for both school staff and parents / carers. It provides information about how children use the internet and other digital technology, and how to keep them safe from abuse. This course has been developed in partnership with CEOP. Cost: from £20. 17
NSPCC Helpline The NSPCC helpline is there for any adult who is worried about a child. The helpline is free, available 24/7 and calls can be made anonymously. The helpline can be contacted by calling 0808 800 5000, emailing help@nspcc.org.uk, texting 88858* or contacting us online at nspcc.org.uk/helpline. We also offer the following specialised helplines. These are all free to contact: FGM Helpline Modern Slavery Gangs Helpline O2 and NSPCC Online Safety Helpline 18
Kelly Middleditch NSPCC Schools Service Area Coordinator Kelly Middleditch NSPCC Schools Service Area Coordinator Buckinghamshire|Milton Keynes|Slough|Maidenhead|Windsor|Bracknell Forest Telephone:02037729357 Mobile: 07789858180 Email:Kelly.middleditch@NSPCC.org.uk 19