Unit A: Chapter 1 and 2 Unit B: Chapter 1/ Lesson 1 and 2


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Presentation transcript:

Unit A: Chapter 1 and 2 Unit B: Chapter 1/ Lesson 1 and 2 Test 1 Revision Unit A: Chapter 1 and 2 Unit B: Chapter 1/ Lesson 1 and 2

Prophets of Islam Learning Objectives: 1. Learn the Prophets and the messengers in Islam. 2. Explore the difference between a prophet and a messenger. 3. Identify the main message of all prophets. 4. Learn about some of the miracles our prophets brought with them. 5. Identify the last and the final prophet.

Prophets mentioned in Qur’an Adam (Adam) Musa (Moses) Idrees (Enoch) Haroon (Aaron) Nuh (Noah) Daud (David) Hud (-) Sulaiman (Solomon) Salih (-) Ilyas (Elijah) Ibraheem (Abraham) Al-Yasa' (Elisha) Lut (Lot)

Younus (Jonah) Isma’eel (Ishmael) Zulkifli (Ezekiel) Ishaq (Isaac) Zakariyya (Zachariah) Ya‘qoob (Jacob) Yahya (John the Baptist) Yousuf (Joseph) Isa (Jesus) Ayyoob (Job) Muhammad (-)

A prophet is someone who has been chosen and favoured by Allah to convey his message to the people on earth and to bring them to believe in and worship Him alone. A Prophet, is one who is purified of all sins, guides people to truth and sets a perfect example for them to follow. They have a strong relation to Allah. All Prophets came with the same message: To believe in Allah without any partners, encourage good and prohibit evil.

Believing in the Prophets is one of the 6 articles of faith Believing in the Prophets is one of the 6 articles of faith. A Muslim must believe in all the previous Prophets and the original previous Scriptures. All Prophets were sent to their own people and for their own time. Prophet Muhammad, however, was sent to all of humanity regardless of time or place. He was mentioned as Ahmad in the original Injeel, a prophet to come from Arabs.

The difference between Nabiy (Prophet) and Rasul (Messanger) 1. Nabi (Prophet) were prophets sent without a Holy Book. 2. Rasool (Messenger) are higher in ranks as they were sent a revelation in the form of a holy book.

Number of Prophets in Islam Over 124,000 Prophets were sent to guide mankind to worship of one Allah. We do not know the exact number or all their names as only Allah has that knowledge. Some are mentioned in the Quran. Adam was the first Prophet to be sent and the last of the Prophets was Muhammad. Only 25 Prophets are mentioned in the Quran. Prophet Muhammad informed us of Yousha and Shayth

'Ulul 'Azm (the Messengers of Strong Will): 5 (Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad)

Quiz Who are the prophets? What is the importance of the belief in prophets? What is the difference between prophets and messengers? What was the main message of all prophets? Why did Allah gift prophets with miracles? Who are the prophets mentioned in Sunnah? What are some of the characteristics of prophets? Mention the three significant qualities of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). What is the total numbers of prophets and messengers?

True and false Only five prophets are given the rank of Ulul Azm. They are:Issa, , Ibrahim, Haroon, Nuh (alayhimsalam), Muhammad sas Muslims believe only in prophet Muhammad as he was the last messenger sent to mankind. There are 20 prophets mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.  The original Bible did include the news about the coming of Prophet Muhammad sas. He was mentioned there as Ahmad, a messenger to be sent among the arabs.

Prophets are the Best of Mankind Unit A, Chapter 2 All Prophets of Allah conveyed the same message which is; Worship Allah the only God, enforce good deeds and prohibit wrong. 1. All prophets were human beings. 2. All prophets were men. 3. The Prophets of Allah were the best in their communities. 4. They usually came from well-known and highly respected families. 6. Prophets had to be patient and tolerant. 5. Prophets had to possess strong personalities.

Purposes of the miracles brought by Prophets. 1. To serve as proof of Allah’s greatness and power. (Musa, Haroon, Ibraheem, Nuh, Lut, , as) 2. To help them during times of danger or trouble. (Ibraheem, Musa, Isa as) 3. To prove that the prophet is a true prophet. (Musa, Isa, Muhammad sas)

Respecting our Prophets Believing in all the Prophets of Allah and admiring them. Show the respect and admiration by following their guidance and manners. Pray for them: عalayheem salam, sal-lall- llahu-alayhi-we-sal-lamليه سلام صلى الله عليه و سلم Muslims do not portray, draw or act Prophets of Allah.

Quiz What did prophets and messengers had in common? How are they different from other people? What are the purposes of miracles given to the prophets by Allah swt.? How do we show our respect and admiration to the prophets? What do we say when we hear the name of prophet Muhammad sws. mentioned?

True or False One way the prophets knew they became prophets was by sending an angel to them. When we say “salla-llahu Alayhi wa salam” we are mentioning a prayer. Muslims can impersonate the characters of the prophets in movies or plays. Strong personality and anger are two very important characteristics of prophets. Allah has sent many messangers with basically one message.

Unit B Chapter 1/ Lesson 1 Faith and Perseverance, The Story of prophet Nuh, Surat Nuh: 1-28 (Makkiyah) He was Noah Ibn Lamik, Ibn Mitoshilkh, Ibn Enoch, ………Ibn Seth, Ibn Adam the Father of Mankind (PBUH). Life Span 950 years,

Main Events in Prophet Nuh’s life First major act of shirk in mankind's history. Wadd, Suwaa', Yaghuth, Ya'uq and Nasr were pious people but eventually they were worshiped as gods. Nuh was sent as A New Prophet: Hadeeth of Prophet Muhammad sas. Among Ulul-Azm (The Steadfast) Difficult Mission: Idols, only 80 followers (low status) Nuh asks help from his Lord as people were going farther away from worshiping Allah.

Upon his supplication, Allah orders Nuh to built the Ark Upon his supplication, Allah orders Nuh to built the Ark. Nuh and his followers built the ark for 40 years. The flood: Nuh his three believing sons(Sam, Ham, Yafith), 80 followers and a pair of each species boarded the ark. Disbelievers including Nuh’s wife and his son Yam drowned. That was their punishment from their Lord. Landing: After 150 days of sailing on the water, Allah ordered the sky to stop its rain and Land to swallow its water. The water dried and the Ark landed on Mount Judiy, which is in east Turkey.

Offsprings of Nuh Prophet Muhammad sas. said: Sam is forefather of Arabs, Ham is forefather of Abyssinians, and Yafith is the forefather of the first Romans(Greeks)

Quiz Was prophet Nuh a messanger or just a prophet? Support your answer with an Ayah. Who are the prophets that came before prophet Nuh? What was the content of his message and call to his people? What was response of his people? When did the flood happen? Describe the exchange between Prophet Nuh and his son (Yam).

True or False Surat Nuh was revealed to prophet Muhammad in Madinah as a motivation to Prophet Muhamad to face the hardship and the challenges from people of Quraish. Only three of the sons of Nuh got on Ark’s board. They are Sam, Yam, Yafith and Ham. Prophet Nuh served Allah for 95 years but only 800 people followed him. As a reward for prophet’s Nuh long service to Allah his believers were saved from the flood and his children were the only men to have offsprings. Prophet Nuh is one of 6 Ulul Azm ( Prophets of steadfast)

Unit B Chapter 1/lesson 2 Surat Nuh 1-4: Allah sent Prophet Nuh to his People It is the 71 surah in the Holy Qur'an, Juz ul Tabarak.Number of verses 28. Revealed in MakkahBefore Hijrah

Reasons of Revelation Revealed to Prophet Muhammad – facing hard time in Makkah Prophet Muhammad from Ulul-Azm Huge challenges Motivation Experience of Prophet Nuh Attitudes of the disbelievers A new clean start

Verse 1-4 1. We sent Noah to his People (with the Command): “Warn your People before there comes to them a grievous Penalty.“ 2. He said: "O my People! I am to you a Warner, clear and open: 3."That ye should worship Allah, fear Him and obey me: 4. "So He may forgive you your sins and give you respite for a stated Term: for when the Term given by Allah is accomplished, it cannot be put forward: if ye only knew."

Tafseer- Meaning and comentary A warning- Punishment- Repent- Punishment Lifted (1) Worship of Allah,(2) adoption of piety (taqwa) and(3) obedience of the Messenger. Repenting after seeing the punishment is not accepted.

Quiz In which Ayah Prophet Nuh is made known to us as Messenger? What was the role and mission of Prophet Nuh according to the verses in this lesson? What is the formula of success for the mankind according to the verses? What is the reward of those who repent and ask forgiveness according to the verses? What did you get from the verses that you could apply in your life? Give examples?

True or False Prophet Nuh was just a Prophet. The mission of Prophet Nuh was to call people to worshiping of only one God. It is alright to disobey God as long as we don’t get punished. There is no need for us to repent now as we can repent just before our death. The formula for success is Obey Allah and be Mindful of Him (Fear his punishment) that leads to Allah’s Forgiveness and Reward.