MT 293 Parametric Computer Aided Design
Save the Date Mondays & Wednesdays 2:10 pm – 5:00 pm S-317
Sammy Kupfer Contact Details Email: Office Hours: Monday after class or by appointment
Course Description An introduction to mechanical design drafting with the use of a parametric, computer aided design and drafting software to allow for increased productivity. The course covers concepts, commands and parameters involved in CAD systems. Students generate working drawings by interacting with the computer using graphics display terminals, parametric software, mouse and plotter.
General Ed Objectives Meet requirements for successful transfer into the junior year of baccalaureate program (transfer program) Demonstrate mastery of discipline-specific knowledge, skills and tools required for entry into or advancement in the job market of their field Use analytical reasoning skills and apply logic to solve problems Use quantitative skills and mathematical reasoning to solve problems Recognize historical processes in the formation of ideas, cultural movements, political institutions, economic trends and social structures
Course Goals Developing Engineering Skills Read engineering drawings Sketch ideas (by hand) Draw and/or model using CAD Generate prints that others can use
Computer Knowledge SolidWorks only runs on Windows You should be comfortable with windows Basic understanding of file systems, directories, etc. “Both files must be in the same directory”
SolidWorks Version SolidWorks version error If I can’t open your part, no credit for the assignment.
Co-req MT 111
Labs and Recitation Help practice the material taught in lecture
Required Materials By Valentino & DiZinno Textbook: Solidworks for Technology & Engineering, 2nd edition By Valentino & DiZinno Industrial Press, ISBN 978 083 113 4518 USB flash drive ~2GB
Grading Scheme Lab Grade 20% Quizzes 60% Final 20%
Attendance Engineering is NOT a spectator sport!
Academic Misconduct Policy You must be the SOLE AUTHOR of any work submitted
Your First Assignment Send an email to me at with your name and telling me what kind of CAD experience that you have (if any).
How Do I Build This Part?
How About This One? 17
Technical Drawing A form of graphic communication. Used in the transforming of an idea into physical form. A technical drawing differs from a common drawing by how it is interpreted.
Types of 3D models Wireframe Models Surface Models Solid models Collection of geometric elements Surface Models Shows the surface of an object Surface has zero thickness Solid models Part is a set of featues
Wireframe Simple Only Boundaries Only flat planes connect each boundary
Surface Better representation of part Only surfaces – part is hollow Does not have history of how part is designed
Solid Model Much better representation of part Every feature is related Interior is completely filled – requires more memory Has a history of how part is designed
Parametric Design Dimension driven modeling Change the dimension of one part, the rest of the model adjusts The change follows through to all uses of the part Bi-directional associativity
Parametric Design
Constraints How well the parts/features are defined Too few constrains Parts won’t move proportionally Too many constraints Part will be over-defined SolidWorks will throw an error