The presentation can only be copied or altered for non-commercial personal or educational use. © Citizenship Foundation Charity Reg No 801360 Author: M. Heath
LEARNING ACTIVITIES to complete this lesson can be downloaded here:- They include:- making a wish/prayer tree a story writing activity making a Christmas gift list
Using Go-Givers lessons This PowerPoint is designed to inform, and to support critical thinking and discussion. Go-Givers PowerPoints can be used in their entirety OR content can be saved and edited. In order for the links and animation to work, always show the PowerPoints in ‘slide show’ view. The green dot in the bottom right hand corner of the slide indicates when the slide animation is complete.
In this lesson we will be thinking about giving.
Christmas with the Go-Givers
I am worried that Callum won’t get any presents this Christmas I am worried that Callum won’t get any presents this Christmas. His dad hasn’t got any money. What can WE do?
Yeah! We could give him some new shin pads Well you know how crazy he is about skateboarding? Yeah! We could give him some new shin pads
We haven’t got any money! Yes, but I’ve been thinking …… We all have something we could sell! We haven’t got any money!
I could sell my tail feathers to a hatmaker
.. And I could sell my new backpack!
I could sell my special bracelet!
I could sell my new basket ball!
JEWELLER Hi Ahmeti! What are you doing round here? I … er…. I’m just looking!
SPORTS SHOP I … er…. I’m just taking a look round the shops! Hi Pete! What are you doing round here?
MILLINER My tail feathers will look good on some of these hats.
SECOND HAND GOODS I … er…. I’m just window shopping! Hi Mitali! What are you doing round here?
So how much have we got?
We have enough for everything on our list Knee pads That’s one year’s membership ticket to the skateboard park And a helmet Shin pads
Hey! Wait for me!!!
Happy Christmas!
My friends, you have been so good to me this year My friends, you have been so good to me this year. I have bought you each a present to show how much I care about you!
A special bow to tie round Teefa’s tail feathers
A hoop so that Pete can practise his basketball!
A necklace for Ahmeti, to match her bracelet!
And some new equipment for Mitali to put in his backpack!
……. But how?......
You are wondering how I could afford to pay for them? ……..
….. I sold my skateboard!
Oh no!
We bought you presents too …… We bought you presents too ……. But they were all for you to use with your skateboard!
I sold my tail feathers, so I won’t be able to wear my bow.
…..and I returned my new basketball to the sports shop.
I sold my bracelet to the jeweller.
…. and I sold my backpack to raise the rest of the money
? Ha! Ha!
Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee! Hee!
Friends like you are better than the best Christmas present I could ever wish for! I must be the luckiest person in the world!
What a wonderful ‘Go-Givers’ Christmas What a wonderful ‘Go-Givers’ Christmas. Now we know just how much we care about each other!
‘Go-Givers’ Christmas. We hope it will be as happy as ours! We wish you a wonderful ‘Go-Givers’ Christmas. We hope it will be as happy as ours!
Teefa’s Teasers Is it ever right to tell ‘little white lies’ as the Go-Givers did when they bumped in to Callum at the shops? Why do we give presents? What do we need to think about when we are choosing a present ? Why did Callum and his friends burst into laughter in this story?
Glossary afford – to have enough money for sacrifice – to give something up precious – valuable