Releases and developments GATE status Releases and developments
Geant4 and GATE releases Geant4 version Date release CLHEP version Gcc version 10.2 12/2015 4.8 to 5.2 10.3 12/2016 4.8 to 6.2 Geant4 GATE V8.0: current GATE release from 04/2017 Recommended configuration Geant4: v8.0 validated for Geant4 10.3 (remains backward compatible with Geant4 10.2 !! but no longer supported !!) Compiler: gcc 4.8 to 6.2 ROOT: last versions of ROOT 5 and ROOT 6 ITK: version 4.9 or later CLHEP: version embedded from Geant4 available since GATE V7.0 Users can also use the external CLHEP version recommended by Geant4 (
No really new features and/or developments Next GATE release: V8.1 No really new features and/or developments but rather bug fixes Most of these bugs (and their fix) are referenced in GitHub Issues: any GitHub user can create an issue Pull requests: any GitHub user can propose some code changes to fix a bug
GATE on GitHub: issues To create a new issue
GATE on GitHub: pull requests To open a new pull request
Add GATE-RTion project with TPSPencilBeam source validation procedure GateContrib Since GATE V8.0, all examples have been definitely removed from the Gate source code repository Now available on a new user-oriented repository named GateContrib Open and publicly available on GitHub as part of the OpenGATE collaboration organization !! NEW !! Add GATE-RTion project with TPSPencilBeam source validation procedure
Git extension for versioning large files GateContrib When you create a pull request so as to provide an example that test your new feature, don’t forget to use Git LFS if it contains associated data Git extension for versioning large files How to ???? Everything is mentioned in details in file .pdf .raw .root .i33 .bin .mha .png .tar.gz .docx .stl .gnumeric Current list of tracked patterns (file types) identified by us as binary that must be managed with Git LFS Which files ? $ git lfs track
New rules regarding GATE releases Systematically plan 2 releases per year Even if there is no really new features to advertise to users Because bug corrections are always welcomed ! Fix the release date and strictly respect it 1st of October 1st of March GATE release validated with the last Geant4 version (usually released early December) To be discussed in SC
Traditional benchmark tests Five historical benchmarks are included in each GATE distribution Systematically run (by Seb, David and I) before each new release to verify the integrity of the source code Each benchmark consists of: Set of macros required to run the simulation ROOT code to analyze the simulation output and generate figures Set of baseline figures to compare results with those from a correct run RT PET SPECT /benchmarks/benchRT /benchmarks/benchPET /benchmarks/benchSPECT ROOT analysis with BenchAnalyse.C (in /output) ROOT analysis with benchmarkPET.C ROOT analysis with benchSPECT.C
New benchmarking system A new benchmarking system has been included since V8.0 To quickly validate installation ( To ensure easy and regular checks of the source code integrity It provides 3 tests dedicated to radiation therapy applications benchRT_gamma benchRT_proton benchRT_carbon 4 tests dedicated to imaging applications benchImaging_optical benchImaging_ct benchImaging_spect benchImaging_pet Same as traditional benchRT All benchmark tests can be easily run with make test
How to use GATE benchmarking system ? It requires a specific CMake configuration To enable benchmarking system (Required if GATE_USE_ECAT7 is set to ON) To get reference results (stored on Midas) If let to OFF (default), benchImaging_pet and benchImaging_optical tests will not be performed
How to use GATE benchmarking system ? After make and make install, type make test $ make test Running tests... Test project /home/adubois/Simulation/gate/gate_v8.0-build Start 1: benchRT_gamma 1/7 Test #1: benchRT_gamma .................... Passed 16.67 sec Start 2: benchRT_proton 2/7 Test #2: benchRT_proton ................... Passed 1.54 sec Start 3: benchRT_carbon 3/7 Test #3: benchRT_carbon ................... Passed 5.86 sec Start 4: benchImaging_ct 4/7 Test #4: benchImaging_ct .................. Passed 40.47 sec Start 5: benchImaging_optical 5/7 Test #5: benchImaging_optical ............. Passed 4.27 sec Start 6: benchImaging_spect 6/7 Test #6: benchImaging_spect ............... Passed 31.91 sec Start 7: benchImaging_pet 7/7 Test #7: benchImaging_pet ................. Passed 15.84 sec 100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 7 Total Test time (real) = 116.57 sec 1. Execute Gate macros 2. Perform some comparisons based on List of specific files to be compared Some diff commands: diff, diff_stat, diff_dose 3. Return result (success/failure) At the end of make test process, you should see
Logo contest Just as Geant4 did last year, we could set an open competition for the creation of a new GATE logo The competition could be open until spring 2018 so that the final decision could be made during the next steering committee Use the GATE website or create a specific one See