XFEL Clock and control system in-kind proposal Propose to deliver a system to oversee passing control, clock and configuration data to the Megapixel detectors at whichever light source they are used Parliament British Museum Needs to be flexible: different detectors and accelerators Based on Telecommunication Crate Architecture (TCA), TCA Matthew Wing (UCL) - XFEL In-kind Meeting, DESY - 27 January 2009
XFEL Clock and control system in-kind proposal Project team Project led by University College London Technical assistance from STFC technology department at RAL Project timeline Phase 1 : Prototype clock and control (C&C) system to be used by prototype detectors, end of 2010 Phase 2 : Design and deliver final C&C system for detectors in 2013 Project history Discussions with WP76 manager (C. Yougman) and attendance of DAQ meeting, including detector groups, June 2008 Further discussions and meeting with XFEL timing group (K. Rehlich), November 2008. Dedicated C&C session : initial specification outlined Presentation of proposed C&C system at Train Builder meeting, December 2008 Submitted in-kind proposal to XFEL management last week Project management and collaboration Carried out under the auspices of WP76 : collaboration with DESY and STFC; contact with timing and detector groups Integrated into DAQ/Train Builder meetings, common hardware framework - to profit from shared experiences; stream-line firmware and software effort Have most Microsoft tools - had to use freeware GANTT chart maker for project plan