SEABAS/EUTelescope Integration Idea Bo Wang
Content TLU introduction Implementation Request
TLU(Trigger Logic Unit) The TLU serves as a trigger system for both the EUDAQ system and the DUT(Device Under Test, which in our case is T3MAPS) DAQ system. In this way we can readout the hits on the MIMOSA sensor and hits on T3MAPS at the same time. We can compare the hits data thus verifying if our sensor chip is correctly functioning.
TLU-DUT interface The TLU and DUT use RJ45 connector to connect to each other. This is the pin mapping (all signals are LVDS) 1. TRIGGER CLOCK- (input to TLU) 2. TRIGGER CLOCK+ (input to TLU) 3. BUSY- (input to TLU) 4. RESET- (output from TLU) 5. RESET+ (output from TLU) 6. BUSY+ (input to TLU) 7. TRIGGER- (output from TLU) 8. TRIGGER+ (output from TLU)
TLU-DUT interface (handshake) There are three handshaking modes with TLU and DUT, for our purpose we will use the Trigger Data Handshake Mode. It is described as follows: 1. TLU receives trigger from beam scintillators 2. TLU asserts TRIGGER (Input to our DUT) 3. On receipt of TRIGGER going high, the detector asserts BUSY(output from our DUT) 4. On receipt of BUSY going high, TLU de-asserts TRIGGER and switches the TRIGGER line to the output of a shift register holding the trigger number/data. 5. The DUT clocks data out of the shift register by toggling TRIGGER CLOCK(output from our DUT). Data changes on the rising edge of TRIGGER CLOCK. The least significant bit of the trigger data is shifted out first. The DUT should issue 16 clock pulses which will clock out the bottom 15-bits of the trigger number and return the TRIGGER line to logical low. TRIGGER line when the DUT returns the BUSY line to logical low. 6. After clocking out the trigger number (and the detector being ready to take more data, the DUT de-asserts BUSY) 7. System is ready for triggers again.
Implementation Request 1. PCB board requirement: Currently the SEABAS-T3MAPS adapter card has two problems (1) The connector at the bottom is too lose, thus we need a redesign of the board and include two connectors instead of one (2) We need a RJ45 plug on the adapter card that connects to the bottom connector of the adapter card in order to implement TLU. 2. Firmware Requirement: Additional Inputs and Outputs(LVDS pairs): Input: Trigger Output: Busy and TriggerClock Firmware need to be able to read and send data when triggered, and clock out the time stamp by toggling trigger clock. 3. Software Requirement: Need to respond to trigger and send T3MAPS command to SEABAS and receive data when data is available. (Some of this part could be hardcoded on the firmware side.)